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  • antoniu1 Friend

    Hi JA,

    I ran into another bug in one of the extensions for template, JA TABS.

    When selecting a categorie ID or article ID, the module produces a fatal error:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/sites/site223/web/plugins/content/pagebreak.php on line 70

    I cannot leave this set to categories, as it disables the whole frontpage, when it produces the fatal error.

    I also add to this another bug from another thread that I posted here, but didn’t submit as “Require help” yet. I add this now.

    This problem involved misplacement of the right side module below the module on the left, when there aren’t 4 modules published. This is an IE7 problem and I cannot find where that happens. You can see this problem live on the site with IE7.

    I appreciate your help, thanks!


    antoniu1 Friend

    Dear Tienhc,

    Thanks for looking at this!

    I see you removed your post, but I got it through the email as well, so if you don’t mind I will respond to it anyway 🙂

    The bottom module problem is visible, you can see modules stacked, while they should be on the right.
    For the category problem for ja tabs, as I wrote, I cannot leave the problem on, as then the frontpage can’t be accessed anymore. But you can replicate it if you wish, as you have access to the site. Simply go to the ja-tabs module, select Category or Articles and you should be able to get the error.

    Hope this helps, thanks again!

    Saguaros Moderator

    yes, i have a mistake sorry :).

    I ‘ m checking the modules stacked issue, i try to give you the solution. 🙂

    Saguaros Moderator

    The problem is fixed please check for me.
    if fix it as following:
    1) open the file templats/ja_rasite/css/template.css and try to find codes at line 2235:

    #ja-botsl .main
    padding: 20px 0 10px;

    and replace:

    #ja-botsl .main
    padding: 20px 0 10px;


    antoniu1 Friend

    Yep, you fixed it! Didn’t realize that was the problem.

    Great job, thanks!

    if you can find a solution for the ja-tab problem as well, I would be very grateful. I need articles in there.

    Thanks again!

    antoniu1 Friend

    For the bottom module problem in IE7: This is caused by not defining the width for ja-bots. When width is set to 981, the prom is solved.

    For ja-tabs problem: This is caused by a pagebreak in the text. When there is a pagebreak, ja-tabs will give a fatal error.

    Both problems are now solved. JA, please update the template and ja-tabs so that these things are permanently resolved.


    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear Tom

    i accessed your administrator and tested the issue with a article, i could not find the problem as you said ,

    I used the following codes to put into the article’s content:
    {jatabs type=”content” position=”top” height=”240″ mouseType=”click” animType=”animMoveHor” }

    Test 1

    Test 2

    {jatabs}<hr class=”system-pagebreak” title=”Test pagebreak” alt=”Test pagebreak” />

    if possible, please kindly help me create a page which show this errror, i would like to have a closer look on the issue, so that i can have the solution to resolve this issue for you and many other users.

    Thanks a lot.

    antoniu1 Friend

    Hi Tienhc,

    Thank you for looking into it closely. As the website is online now at and is a testsite, I have set the module to displaying Articles again. What you will notice is that the frontpage displays a fatal error now.

    This is because the article with ID 46 contains a pagebreak in this way:

    <p>Rapid Healing is geen techniek of therapie, maar een proces. Je leert je op een eenvoudige manier verbinden met je Essentie en het Totaal Bewustzijn. Eenmaal daarmee verbonden, is het mogelijk om wat in conflict is direct in balans te brengen. Rapid Healing is te gebruiken bij jezelf en bij anderen.</p>
    <p class="system-pagebreak">Verandering vindt plaats op het allerdiepst mogelijke niveau (voorbij lichaamswerk, energiewerk en andere correctieve methoden en technieken). Dit maakt bijzonder snelle veranderingen mogelijk op alle gebieden. Diepliggende emoties verdwijnen, lichamelijke problemen lossen op, barrieres die je ervaart verdwijnen. Wat mogelijk is, is eigenlijk alleen afhankelijk van je overtuigingen en je verbinding.[readon1 url="/wat-is-rapid-healing"]Lees verder[/readon1]</p>
    <hr id="system-readmore" /> [more text]

    If you remove the <p class=”system-pagebreak”> the problem is gone. I think the problem only exists when adding actual articles, not just the content to the content display window of the tab module.

    You can see article ID 46 displaying fine now at I only removed the system pagebreak and then it worked. This is why I am certain that is the problem.

    Hope this helps!

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