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  • the1michaeljones Friend

    I would like to use the default article layout instead of any of the alternative article layouts. My problem is the Share On and Buy on Amazon buttons don’t appear by default on the default layout. I have found code relating to both in the alternative track layout directory of templatesja_muzichtmlcom_contentarticledefault-track.php I copied the following code to the default layout:
    <?php if(isset($metadata->jcontent_amazonsell) && $metadata->jcontent_amazonsell !=” ) : ?>
    <a class=”btn btn-source btn-buy” href=”<?php echo $metadata->jcontent_amazonsell;?>”><?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_BUY_ON_AMAZON’); ?></a>
    <?php endif;?>
    <button class=”btn btn-source btn-share” data-toggle=”modal” href=”#myModal”><?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_SHARE_ON’); ?></button>
    <div class=”modal hide fade” id=”myModal”>
    <div class=”modal-header”>
    <a class=”close” data-dismiss=”modal”>×</a>
    <h3><?php echo JText::_(‘TPL_SHARE_ON’); ?></h3>
    The Share On button now appears and works, but the Buy on Amazon button doesn’t and there is an error in a yellow box: Warning
    Error loading feed data
    What other files, folders, or code might need to be applied to the default article layout for the Buy on Amazon button to work? Any assistance or ideas is appreciated.

    alexsmirnov Friend

    Please don’t crosspost the same post in more than one thread. Crossposting means you are breaching JA Forum rules.

    Hope this helps.



    Nazario A Friend

    @ the1michaeljones,

    Saguaros replied to you at this thread, kindly follow it.

    alexsmirnov Friend

    @ Nazario A,

    Should we now delete this thread or would you like me to mark it as Solved and keep it for us?



    the1michaeljones Friend

    Thanks kindly, Nazario.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  the1michaeljones 10 years, 8 months ago.

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