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  • markb1439 Friend

    Just curious…are any of you webmasters using caching solutions to improve performance (eAccelerator, xCache, etc., etc.)? If so, what kinds of issues are you having with setting up and using them? For example, I’ve heard that eAccelerator will not work with suPHP, but xCache will. It’s all sooooooooooooo confusing! 😮

    martin91 Friend

    Hello. I am not using caching and neither is one of my friends who are also in web development business. Still if you are not experieced I do not sugess you to enable cache but if you want to enable it anyway I recommend you to go to http://extensions.joomla.org and read testimonials for cache solutions.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  martin91 15 years, 11 months ago.

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