<em>@tienhc 191934 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello azphotos!
Please give write permission for these files/folder and its child:
- templates/ja_droid/params.ini
- templates/ja_droid/local
If the folder templates/ja_droid/local does not exist, please create it and make it writable.</blockquote>
I’ve the same problem with ja_ores.
I’ve create a local/ directory and I give this command in templates/ja_ores/:
sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx params.ini local/
but, when I click save or apply in the template page in the administration back end, the page turns tu be unwritable:
-r-xr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 402 2010-10-25 10:16 params.ini*
can you help me, please?