I have tried to install Mendozite all this week, with continuous errors which I posted in my post “Template won’t install…” Your response for me to install the T3v2 was completed three times. It was the framework I used in the beginning and it still does not work.
I am not a technical expert, nor do I claim to be. That is why I provided all of the error messages, along with complete access to my FTP and website.
I am begging someone to please help me get this template installed.
Thank you.
I got this with the Quickstart install
JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name ‘ordering’ SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;
ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;
Files Update: SQL error file DB function failed with error number 1060
Duplicate column name ‘ordering’ SQL=ALTER TABLE `jos_languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;
ALTER TABLE `#__languages` ADD COLUMN `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL default 0 AFTER `published`;