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  • jeanpaulbindo Friend

    Hi all,

    Sorry, I’m back with another weird question. I’d like to change the megamenu background color, from the #444 to something like #0077bb. Also, I’d like to have a hover effet : when the mouse pass, to have the text in blue too (#007bb) on a white (#fff) background.

    I don’t know if I’ve located the correct file do to so : templates.purity_iii.less.megamenu.less.

    Please, any help would be great.

    Thanks a lot.

    jeanpaulbindo Friend

    An update : by adding some css tags into the file I named above, I got the begining of a solution I think; plaese have a look :

    What remains is that effect I’m looking for : to have a blue text with a withe background while the mouse is passing over.

    1. prinscreen_cuca.fw_
    2. printscreen_cuca2.fw_
    3. printscreen_cuca.fw_
    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @jeanpaulbindo,

    To customize your site, please make sure you enable Development Mode first, then you can use Firebug to see which line of code should be changed.

    jeanpaulbindo Friend

    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for the tips, I finally solved it with following the official docs and the custom.css “trick” 😀

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jeanpaulbindo 10 years, 3 months ago.

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