Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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  • Menalto Friend

    Actually that “cartoon” is just a screenshot of teline with the modules in.

    I am a little worried about write up to much info on how to create a new module position here and there. This is different from template to template and where you gonna place them. Each position requires correct positioning in the templates index.php and correct CSS to work as it should. When this is positioned correct you can style each module as you want with an module suffix or hard code the styling into that position, which you cant change bu using a suffix, you can almost allways use a module suffix(if the module position is prepared for it) but this can give unwanted results.

    If you are interested you can give me a “cartoon” on how you want your modules wrapped out in ex Teline. I attached a PSD file here you can play around with and add “module positions”
    You can see how i outlined the “menu” position in it when you open it.
    From this step here its just your look for your “dream template” when it comes to module positions and layout.

    There is also some intresting things coming which i 100% sure would use in Teline if i should build a site today with this template:)

    Well, thats it from me for now.
    Grab the PSD, get some coffe, read a magazine, browse the web, get ideas, fire up photoshop, get some lines down.
    Have a swing.

    1. telinelayout.zip
    bossep Friend

    What do you really want to do?
    I am moving around a lot of the modules into the already defined positions like news, user5, 6, 8, etc.
    For instance take a look at my site now. I moved the slids show from user6 into user5 position and got it out of the tabbed view of user6. Remember that you can use mod_custom to create a lot of goodies.
    Also I put in a google ad between the fp and news. worked fine!
    Abaut the jagged look of the News: I agree it looks horrible. Specially when the module is keeping the formating. This was a change I belive from the first Teline II to the later ver. 1.3.1. but I am a bit vorried to install the old ver as it might not work with somthing else. I will experiment a little ower the weekend.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@bossep 57682 wrote:</em><blockquote>cgc0202
    What do you really want to do?
    I am moving around a lot of the modules into the already defined positions like news, user5, 6, 8, etc.
    For instance take a look at my site now. I moved the slids show from user6 into user5 position and got it out of the tabbed view of user6. Remember that you can use mod_custom to create a lot of goodies.
    Also I put in a google ad between the fp and news. worked fine!
    Abaut the jagged look of the News: I agree it looks horrible. Specially when the module is keeping the formating. This was a change I belive from the first Teline II to the later ver. 1.3.1. but I am a bit vorried to install the old ver as it might not work with somthing else. I will experiment a little ower the weekend.


    Hi Bosse,

    It has been my campaign since I came here that there are just a few basic template configurations. If Joomlart focuses on setting up those basic template configurations — and not keep moving things around (or changing colors, etc., etc.), it is possible that with just a set of few modules — each of us can create more unique templates more suited for our needs.


    This is based on collapsibility of positions that are not used, and the modularity of features, instead of being hard-wired in the php, except the modules.

    For example, as I stated above, if I do not like the day-date (or the character size scrip) at the top right, if these were in module form, it is easier to move them around — assuming the position you want to move it into is coded in the index.php.

    Sometimes, the “position” is just not there. All of the Joomlart templates lack many “positions” I want. It can be done, I just do not know how to do it. That is what this thread is all about.

    Also, there are some features of the JA Teline II that are not in modular form yet.

    So, anyway, this is one of the things that I am trying to explore with Menalto, and he agreed to help me. Once I have a master template, and I know exactly the specific scripts that define each position, I can couple that with a master css (or at least a few of them to allow portability of certain features that may not always be needed).

    In theory, one this aforementioned are achieved, I can generate as many permutations of templates that I want. The advantage is that I do not have to keep changing the css (unless I have to), because the “ideal” of the template creator may be different from mine. I do not like bold 28 points headlines, for example, or All caps — they are difficult to read. I do not like microscopic fonts for example, especially since I was helping a friend of mine where many of them are seniors, and they complain about the readability of the font sizes and colors chosen.

    Joomlart is not so bad on this, but as much as I like some Gavick templates, sometimes I do not know why they like light gray on white background, or forms that you could not identify the boundaries (border color)

    I spend quite a bit of time changing the css whenever I use a new template.

    The bottom line, I do not know how to create the scripts for the index.php, which is what I need; but once the beginning and end of each position module are identified — I can customize my index.php anyway I want.


    Good webdesigners do annotate (a working copy) of their master templates, so that it is easier to modify.

    bossep Friend

    I basically agree with you.
    It should be nice if we could have a more configurable template.
    Also a little more flexibility over the style should no be in the way.
    I have a feeling that JA is going:
    Create a standard r column design with header and footer. Kind of Joomla standard if you think about it.
    Then do the rest in the modules.
    I kind of like the mix of 2 column (user5 and 6) design mixed in with a 3 cols’
    Same splitting the “main column” into 2 like with user 8 and 9.
    I do think you could pretty easy make another row at the bottom with let’s say 6 new user positions.
    I will probably try to do that later. Much like what Manelto did in his sample.
    What you will have a bit of problems with is to put 2 cols in between news_fp and news as they are in the same position. Makes simpler code but a bit rigid design. That is probably a good candidate to convert to news 1 and 2.
    I highly agree with you about annotation! And another thing a change log so we can see what has been changed! I have spent many good ours trying to figure out way the layout on the articles kept the formatting all of a sudden when all formatting was removed in a previous ver. I thought I had made something wrong but it seems this is an enhancement in the later ver! That had me to modify all my articles to suit the new layout. That in the other hand screwed up the design of the article itself. It also made the news columns look horrible. At least we should be made aware of this BEFORE we implement a fix!
    I do think JA is some of the best templates around but the commitment to 2 templates a week is probably the main problem (so now I got that said again).
    About fonts etc. YES it would be great if that could be changed without having to modify the css by hand!
    There is a little box ware you can change the size in the template config but not to set the type. That should probably be pretty easy fix.
    Colors: Have you tried to change that in the now famous section list? At least you can use some colors there and it should be possible to make a few new ones by creating a few more css in the color dir.
    I will actually try that soon.
    Writing this I thought came to my mind. I think this template could be a good candidate for a bunch of custom made ones. Perhaps we should start to think of that?


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@bossep 57705 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
    I basically agree with you.
    It should be nice if we could have a more configurable template.
    Also a little more flexibility over the style should no be in the way.
    I have a feeling that JA is going:
    Create a standard r column design with header and footer. Kind of Joomla standard if you think about it.
    Then do the rest in the modules.
    I kind of like the mix of 2 column (user5 and 6) design mixed in with a 3 cols’
    Same splitting the “main column” into 2 like with user 8 and 9.
    I do think you could pretty easy make another row at the bottom with let’s say 6 new user positions.
    I will probably try to do that later. Much like what Manelto did in his sample.
    What you will have a bit of problems with is to put 2 cols in between news_fp and news as they are in the same position. Makes simpler code but a bit rigid design. That is probably a good candidate to convert to news 1 and 2.
    I highly agree with you about annotation! And another thing a change log so we can see what has been changed! I have spent many good ours trying to figure out way the layout on the articles kept the formatting all of a sudden when all formatting was removed in a previous ver. I thought I had made something wrong but it seems this is an enhancement in the later ver! That had me to modify all my articles to suit the new layout. That in the other hand screwed up the design of the article itself. It also made the news columns look horrible. At least we should be made aware of this BEFORE we implement a fix!
    I do think JA is some of the best templates around but the commitment to 2 templates a week is probably the main problem (so now I got that said again).
    About fonts etc. YES it would be great if that could be changed without having to modify the css by hand!
    There is a little box ware you can change the size in the template config but not to set the type. That should probably be pretty easy fix.
    Colors: Have you tried to change that in the now famous section list? At least you can use some colors there and it should be possible to make a few new ones by creating a few more css in the color dir.
    I will actually try that soon.
    Writing this I thought came to my mind. I think this template could be a good candidate for a bunch of custom made ones. Perhaps we should start to think of that?



    That is where I am going. I requested this before (last year when I registered) from Joomlart, but no one responded.

    I will still be needing the other scripts that comes with templates like JA Teline II and I hope Joomlart improves it again soon because that is what I am focusing now. It is possible of course, to take modules from JA Teline II and move it to others, but JA Teline II can be the basis of any template actually.

    I was creating a first draft of the basic layout of the “master template” I have in mind, but my Sister in Great Britain called, so I had to stop. She just got back from our country so we had so many things to talk about.

    Anyway, I am trying to improve it, and I hope Menalto will be able to help me modify the index.php script for it, and then I hope there is not too much else required integrating it with the other components of JA Teline II.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Menalto 57649 wrote:</em><blockquote>Actually that “cartoon” is just a screenshot of teline with the modules in.

    I am a little worried about write up to much info on how to create a new module position here and there. This is different from template to template and where you gonna place them. Each position requires correct positioning in the templates index.php and correct CSS to work as it should. When this is positioned correct you can style each module as you want with an module suffix or hard code the styling into that position, which you cant change bu using a suffix, you can almost allways use a module suffix(if the module position is prepared for it) but this can give unwanted results.

    If you are interested you can give me a “cartoon” on how you want your modules wrapped out in ex Teline. I attached a PSD file here you can play around with and add “module positions”
    You can see how i outlined the “menu” position in it when you open it.
    From this step here its just your look for your “dream template” when it comes to module positions and layout.

    There is also some intresting things coming which i 100% sure would use in Teline if i should build a site today with this template:)

    Well, thats it from me for now.
    Grab the PSD, get some coffe, read a magazine, browse the web, get ideas, fire up photoshop, get some lines down.
    Have a swing.</blockquote>

    Thanks Menalto,

    I will be interested to know more of your ideas, plus perhaps we can revisit some of those I suggested before, like the use of more “multitabs” to save space, and create a more compact site.

    What I did was build a dummy structure (using html for “tables”) to create a comprehensive layout.

    I will send you a link (by PM) so that you may view the first draft, then I hope you can help me setting up the proper scripts for it, for the index.php and integrate any the additional css to the template.css(?) of JA Teline II.

    There are more positions there than I would ever need, but I think the php script for it ” will be simpler” than what the tables layout show.


    Menalto Friend

    Got it and it looks great.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Menalto 57757 wrote:</em><blockquote>Got it and it looks great.</blockquote>

    Thanks Menalto.

    I tried to cover most of the possible layouts I could think of. If the various positions are “collapsible” plus most of the contents are modular forms, I think the general layout could be used for many types of templates, and quite customizable by individual users.


Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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