I am not able to update my JA template "playmag" or many other JA extensions.
I login to Joomla->in the control panel at the top there is an alert " Extension Update(s) are available:"->View Updates -> takes me to "Extensions: Update"
List of 8 JA items available to update:
JA Playmag Template,
JA Content Slider Module for J25 & J3x
JA K2 Filter Module for J25 & J3.x
JA K2 Filter Package for J25 & J3.x
JA K2 Filter Plg for J25 & J3.x
JA Newsticker Module for J3x
JA Slideshow Lite Module for J25 & J3.x
JA Slideshow Module for Joomla 2.5 & 3.x
When I try to update them individually or all at once I get the same errors:
1.) "Warning: Update path does not exist."
2.) "Message: Error updating COM_INSTALLER_TYPETYPE."
3.) "Notice: Before updating ensure that the update is compatible with your Joomla! installation."
I am running Joomla 3.7.5, PHP 7.1.8
I have also tried Control Panel->Components->JA Extension Manager. This immediately gives me the following fatal error:
"Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/learn/public_html/administrator/components/com_jaextmanager/jaupdate.php’ (include_path=’/home/learn/public_html/plugins/system/shlib/shl_packages//ZendFramework-1.11.7-minimal/library:.:/usr/local/php71/pear’) in /home/learn/public_html/administrator/components/com_jaextmanager/jaextmanager.php on line 27"
Thank you for your help.