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  • greenedit Friend

    Hey all, I’m new to cPanel and so Im having problems. I just started the install process when I got this error. I’m new so Im not really sure what to do at this point.

    Any help appreciated.

    1. Picture-10
    mj1256 Friend

    open cpanel

    look for the database section
    click on MySQL databases

    Create New Database
    enter a name for your db and click on create database

    MySQL Users ( must create a db user)
    Add New User
    enter the name of the user, then the password (twice)
    click on create user

    Add User To Database
    now you need to assign a user to the database
    select the database from the dropdown
    select the user from the dropdown

    click on the ADD button (you now will assign permissions for the user to the DB)

    check on ALL PRIVILEGES
    then click on make changes

    your database is now created, a user is now created, the user is assigned to the DB and the user has all prviledges

    now start your installation of joomla, when you get to the database setup section, on most webhosts your address is localhost (if your using godaddy, that will be a whole different story)

    then enter your db user, db name, the password you wrote down and click next

    if all goes well it will now connect to the mysql database.

    if your are using a quickstart package, after your enter your site name, email address and admin password, you will see under that section
    install sample data
    then will install all of the demo items for the quickstart.

    thats it, delete the installation folder and you should be good to go.

    i may have missed a step as I did this off the top of my head.

    good luck

    greenedit Friend

    MJ, your a rock star. I’m not quite sure what I just did. … lol But I followed your instructions to the letter. Thank you very much. When I get my store up and going, if you see something you like, I’ll cut you a great deal. Ok I’m about off to work so I’ll check results later tonight.

    That was cool of you to take the time and type out those instructions. I really appreciate it.

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