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  • hcharly Friend

    Hello Guys,

    I’m trying to migrate a large site using Ja Travel from Joomla 1.5 to 2.5.
    I found and read a lot on migration, but did not find anything pointing out JA_templates typically.

    My migration component is SP Ugrade.

    So far, I made 2 attempts of migration which worked for everything (com, mods, plg) except for JA Travel.
    Setting JA_TRAVEL as Default Template leads to a blank HomePage.

    Attempt #1: with SP Ugrade everything is done at Destination site level.
    – Destination site Installed from JA_Travel for J2.5 – Quickstart => without samples
    – Installed all other components, plugins and modules for J2.5
    – Then migrate everything one by one except ja_travel which was installed from quickstart
    Result => Blank homepage

    Attempt #2: still SP Ugrade
    – Uninstalled JA Travel from the Destination site
    – Set source ja_travel folder (J1.5 previous site) to be converted and transfered to Destination site
    – Installed the converted ja_travel
    – set it as Default in J2.5
    – in the template’s config in J2.5 I had to confirm to get it converted according to new structure
    Everything worked but visiting my homepage I’ve got a blank page again.

    So my question is:
    What is the best strategy to get Ja_travel migrated from J1.5 to J2.5?

    Should I RE-install from quickstart the destination site but WITH SAMPLES?
    Is there a dedicated post about migrating JA templates – T3 framework?

    In advance thanks,

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Charles,

    Did you try to have a look at these tips in forum?



    Hope it helps you something 🙂

    hcharly Friend

    Thanks Saguaros,
    <em>@Saguaros 385825 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Charles,

    Did you try to have a look at these tips in forum?



    Hope it helps you something :)</blockquote>
    Yes, I’ve checked out this these guides.
    Everything has been migrated without any problem.
    But with JA_travel as default it won’t work.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Charles,

    As you said in the first post, your home page is blank, right? You can enable Error reporting in Backend > Sites > Global configuration, then error messages will appear and you will know where error comes from

    hcharly Friend

    Many Thanks to you Saguaros,
    <em>@Saguaros 385850 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Charles,

    As you said in the first post, your home page is blank, right? You can enable Error reporting in Backend > Sites > Global configuration, then error messages will appear and you will know where error comes from</blockquote>
    I’ve removed the Destination site in order to re-create it from “JA_Travel J25 quickstart” + SAMPLE DATAS + my Apps. Then migrate the old J15 to this J25.
    I hope it will be the right way to go.
    I’ll post here my results.
    Thank you,

    Saguaros Moderator

    Ok, hope it would be fine.:)

    hcharly Friend

    OK, I found the main reason of the problem.
    After migrating menu types and menu items, mainmenu is saved with new alias, breaking the menu system.
    There are also a few problems with some JA_mods and JA_plgs.
    Going to make a clean install again, migration and fixes.
    Then will post here more info.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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