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  • matgray87 Friend

    I’m trying to get Magnific Popup to work in JA-Biz the same as it works in JA-Decor…
    I’ve added into the templateHelper to create the image gallery in K2 items:

    public static function photogallery($introtext){
    if(preg_match_all('#<img[^>]+>#iU', $introtext, $imgs)){
    //remove the text
    $introtext = preg_replace('#<img[^>]+>#iU', '', $introtext);
    //collect all images
    $img_data = array();
    // parse image attributes
    foreach( $imgs[0] as $img_tag){
    $img_data[$img_tag] = JUtility::parseAttributes($img_tag);
    $total = count($img_data);

    if($total > 0) :
    $introtext .= '<ul class="itemthumbnails'.($total>1?'':' no-slide').'">';
    $j = 0;
    foreach ($img_data as $img => $attr) :
    $introtext .= '<li class="'.($j == 0 ? 'col-xs-12' : 'col-sm-6 col-xs-12').'">'
    .($total>1?'<a title="'.$attr['alt'].'" href="'.(isset($attr['src']) ? $attr['src'] : '').'" class="itemthumbnail'.($j == 0 ? ' active' : '').'">':'')
    $introtext .= '</ul>';

    return $introtext;
    } else {
    return $introtext;

    And I’ve also added the jquery.magnific-popup.js and jquery.magnific-popup.min.js into the template JS folder, and I’ve added this into head.php:

    $(document).ready(function() {
    // Thumbnail gallery
    if($('.itemthumbnails').length >0 && !$('.itemthumbnails').hasClass('no-slide')){
    delegate: 'a',
    type: 'image',
    tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...',
    mainClass: 'mfp-img-mobile',
    gallery: {
    enabled: true,
    navigateByImgClick: true,
    preload: [0,1]
    image: {
    tError: '<a href="%url%">The image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.',
    titleSrc: function(item) {
    return item.el.attr('title');

    but it’s not working… I can’t for the life of me see what I’m missing… Example page here…

    Does the ‘image’ type support PNGs as well as JPGs?


    Eragon H Friend

    Hi Matt,

    You can add the below code to the file root/templates/ja_biz/js/scripts.js

    $(document).ready(function() {

    if($('.itemthumbnails').length >0 && !$('.itemthumbnails').hasClass('no-slide')){
    delegate: 'a',
    type: 'image',
    tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...',
    mainClass: 'mfp-img-mobile',
    gallery: {
    enabled: true,
    navigateByImgClick: true,
    preload: [0,1]
    image: {
    tError: '<a href="%url%">The image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.',
    titleSrc: function(item) {
    return item.el.attr('title');


    You may need to clear browser cache to see the change

    Best regards

    matgray87 Friend

    Perfect – works great… What was I doing wrong then, and why is it different adding it into scripts.js as opposed to the head.php file as the code is identical?

    Eragon H Friend

    Hi Matt,

    1. It’s nice to know my suggestion helped.

    2. If you add this code to the head.php, it still work

    $(document).ready(function() {

    if($('.itemthumbnails').length >0 && !$('.itemthumbnails').hasClass('no-slide')){
    delegate: 'a',
    type: 'image',
    tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...',
    mainClass: 'mfp-img-mobile',
    gallery: {
    enabled: true,
    navigateByImgClick: true,
    preload: [0,1]
    image: {
    tError: '<a href="%url%">The image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.',
    titleSrc: function(item) {
    return item.el.attr('title');

    3. I suggested to add to the file scripts.js because it’s easier to control and maintain.

    Best regards.

    matgray87 Friend

    Thanks… seems I did that, but just missed off ‘})(jQuery);’ at the end. ****… so close!
    Thanks again

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  matgray87 10 years, 3 months ago.

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