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  • cjmicro Friend

    I am using JA-Ruby and trying to get the special typography styles to work in an article.

    Here is my code

    <h2>Horse “Triathlon” Events</h2><p>Three weekends each year, Waredaca hosts United States Equestrian Federation sanctioned competitions--late May/early June, August and late October. These dates are scheduled in accordance with the USEF national schedule. The Waredaca Horse Trials, also termed ‘event’s, attract competitors from New England to the Carolinas. Often "big time" riders of Olympic fame ride their less experienced horses here as part of their educational experience as they advance to the higher levels of the sport. Horse Trials are major competitions that feature the three phases of dressage, cross country jumping and show jumping. The lowest penalty score of the combined three phases is the winner!</p>
    <div class="bubble1"><div>Bubble should be here.</div></div>
    <div class="blockquote">Want to learn more about the sport? Check out the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.useventing.com" title="USEA Eventing Website Link">United States Eventing Assocation website</a>.</div>
    <p>Waredaca's 2009 USEA Recognized Horse Trials are slated for:</p>
    <p>* May 30, 31 Beginnner Novice, Novice, Training, Preliminary And Intermediate<br />* August 15, 16 Beginnner Novice, Novice, Training, Preliminary And Intermediate<br />* October 24, 25 Novice, Training, Preliminary And Intermediate<br />USEA Area 2 Novice Championships</p><p>Waredaca Novice Masters Competition</p><p>The official <a target="_blank" href="http://www.useventing.com/competitions.php?section=calendar#II" title="USEA Area II Omnibus">USEA website</a> has an Online Omnibus with details about all the recognized events plus forms for entering.<a target="_blank" href="http://www.evententries.com" title="Event Entries Online Entries to Horse Trials">Evententries.com</a> also offers online entering options.</p>

    Can anyone help?

    Thanks, Cheryl

    mj1256 Friend

    “<div class=”bubble1″><div>Bubble should be here.</div></div>”

    remove the middle two divs, are you using JCE or TinyMCE for an editor, they tend to missinterprete the typography tags and add span and div tags when not needed.

    try turnning your editor off and hand code the tags and save, that way nothing will be added

    cjmicro Friend

    Ah-ha! I am using JCE so I bet that is the problem. Thank you, will try it then report back.


    cjmicro Friend

    I tried turning off the editor, and it still doens’t work. So I just did a simple typo class

    <p class="highlight">Want to learn more about the sport? Check out the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.useventing.com" title="USEA Eventing Website Link">United States Eventing Assocation website</a>.</p>

    But this is what is rendered on the page:

    <p>Want to learn more about the sport? Check out the United States Eventing Assocation website.</p>

    Note that it is also stripping out my link. What could I be doing wrong?

    Thanks for any assistance,

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    send your site allow us to help you

    cjmicro Friend

    <em>@quang268 128506 wrote:</em><blockquote>send your site allow us to help you


    the page in question is competitions/recognized events


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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