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  • dattard1 Friend

    I’ve tried all that I could think of but I can’t get transmenu to work at the top ?

    Can anyone guide me what I might be doing wrong.

    Joomla 1.5.7, http://www.compassmalta.com/home.html


    Sherlock Friend

    Can you please PM me your site admin account as well as FPT account? Without investigating into the codes, I am afraid that we can not provide any solution

    Sherlock Friend

    please send FTP account

    dattard1 Friend

    Hi nguoibcd,

    seems that you have got it working. May I ask what you did to solve the issue please?


    Edit: Although transmenu is now working fine, I lost some functionalty. I had edited the index.php file in the template to show the headers I wanted depending on the ID as follows.

    global $Itemid;

    switch($Itemid) {
    case “1”: $ja_header_img = ‘header1.jpg’; break;
    case “53”: $ja_header_img = ‘header2.jpg’; break;
    case “75”: $ja_header_img = ‘header2.jpg’; break;
    case “76”: $ja_header_img = ‘header2.jpg’; break;
    case “77”: $ja_header_img = ‘header2.jpg’; break;
    case “78”: $ja_header_img = ‘header3.jpg’; break;
    case “79”: $ja_header_img = ‘header3.jpg’; break;
    case “80”: $ja_header_img = ‘header3.jpg’; break;
    case “56”: $ja_header_img = ‘header4.jpg’; break;

    $curidx = $curidx % count($ja_header_images);
    $ja_header_img = $ja_header_images[$curidx];

    This does not work any more. I have also noticed that when i disable SEF, i am getting &amp instead of & in the URL so this might be the root of the problem? Any suggestions please?

    dattard1 Friend

    Please note that problem manifests itself in FF … in IE it works fine!

    Sherlock Friend

    <blockquote>seems that you have got it working. May I ask what you did to solve the issue please?</blockquote>
    You uesed old version, I updated new ja_templatetools.php for you

    dattard1 Friend

    I’m having this problem once again. I downloaded JA MAgeia again, and uploaded the templatetools php file which comes along with it but the issue remains. Is there some way I can obtain the latest version of ja_templatetools.php ?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dattard1 15 years, 5 months ago.

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