<em>@BigSky 50949 wrote:</em><blockquote>From the new (stable?) file, I get this error when i try to install:
JInstaller::install: File ‘/home/quixotic/public_html/classroom/tmp/install_4816723e3df8c/mod_janews_fp/ja.news/ja.news.fp.js’ does not exist
Sigh. Does anything ever get tested here? Does someone have the old module file so I can install it?</blockquote>
I updated the JANews FP module package using the latest version, v1.1 and I get the same error as BigSky.
JInstaller::install: File ‘C:wampwwwscooptmpinstall_48173450cbea4mod_janews_fpja.newsja.news.fp.js’ does not exist
thanks in advance for the great support.