Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
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  • vaxt11 Friend

    Ok that makes sense. Thanks for explaining. Can you help fix the slideshow in my a sub domain, That should take care of all my problems with this site. Thanks.

    Nazario A Friend


    Currently, I see JA Slideshow is working fine on desktop.

    What’s problem of JA Slideshow on your site? It would be best if you send me the screenshot highlingting your problem so that I can help you out.

    Also, pls PM me the Admin account of your sub domain.

    1. vaxt11
    Nazario A Friend

    @ vaxtt11,
    I received your email. Please find below the answers to your questions. Hope it helps.

    <blockquote>Cannot “search” on the mobile site (on Iphone) – gives an error “Needs “Jevents Calendar” plugin.</blockquote>
    The error message helps to clarify that you’re using Smart Search – JEvents plugin, you need to install Jevents calendar. Please try to have this plugin disabled, the search should work fine then.

    If you want to use the Smart Search – JEvents plugin, you should raise this case to the JEvents’s forum to get better help.

    <blockquote>Can we install the updates (Update Joomla! To 3.2.3) without a compatibility issue on the extensions?</blockquote>
    At present, JA Tiris is not compatible with the latest version of Joomla 3.2.3 yet, so it’s not recommended to update to this version as unexpected error might occur.

    <blockquote>Statistics: Can you point me in the right direction regarding page hits, bounce rates, and other statistical info on the site?</blockquote>
    Could you explain in more details on this?

    <blockquote>The slideshow can’t be edited in sub domain since I updated to new joomla version.</blockquote>
    Your site is using the old version (v2.5.8) of JA Slideshow module, pls try to update to the latest version of this module. Let me know how it goes.

    1. tiris1
    yogiextreme Friend

    I’ve done the upgrade to 2.7.0, but still cant save?

    Nazario A Friend

    @ yogiextreme,

    Please PM me the URL, Admin and FTP of your site so that I can check and help you out.

    vaxt11 Friend

    Thanks for help on the slideshow update. I don’t know why we can get to work.
    The primary site is:

    The sub domain is:

    Also can you help with this–
    Mobile site is not working on ANY phones that run Android 4.0 or higher (I’ve tested on a Galaxy S4, screen size is not a factor.) More and more android phones will be running Kit Kat (4.0+) very soon, and want to make sure this functionality is enabled.

    Thank you.
    Best Regards,

    Nazario A Friend

    Hi Jonathan,

    I have tested your site on Galaxy S4, but I saw it is working fine. Pls see these images:

    1. Screenshot_2014-04-14-17-31-12
    2. Screenshot_2014-04-14-17-31-43
Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

This topic contains 22 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nazario A 10 years, 9 months ago.

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