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  • serega21 Friend

    just updated ja-nex and T3 to 2.5, and now i cannot save any setting in the backend – it just keeps spinning around and never saves.

    what did you guys do to the framework that it doesnt work??????

    p.s. I have joomla 2.5.1

    need urgent help!!!!

    Phill Moderator

    The settings for the slideshow are saved in a file in modules>mod_JA_slideshow

    Please check the permissions for this folder and all subfolders it contains. I am guessing that the update changed the ownership of the files in this folder.

    If you cannof fix this yourself please PM me a super admin logon and an ftp account so I can take a look for you.

    serega21 Friend

    every folder is set to 755

    sent you admin and ftp info now

    Phill Moderator

    I m not sure what is wrong. None of your modules or components are saving settings at all except the ones that save things in the database (ie, not files can be written to). All I can suggest here is for you to speak to your host to see if they can help.

    serega21 Friend

    what do u mean modules do not save settings? if you try to save another template settings – it saves just fine.

    this is 100% your template and your t3 framework that are screwed up, cause this happened before, and nothing ever happend with other templates…..

    this is ridiculous, yet another issue that joomlart cant help with…. instead they tell us to help ourselves…..

    maybe anyone had the same issue and found a way to fix it?


    serega21 Friend

    i just took a look in the joomla system/directory permissions – and everything is writeable……

    seriously, is anyone in support here even knows what they are doing???

    Phill Moderator

    Unfortunately, as you have removed my admin access I cannot help any further. I can try and advise but without access it is quite hard.

    I have tried a number of different modules to see if their settings save and I am experiencing the same problems on other modules but only ones that save their settings in files. SOme modules etc save their settings in the databse and those are not affected. Please re-enable the admin access for me and I will try and give you more information.

    serega21 Friend

    access is reenabled

    Phill Moderator

    Can you do me a favour. I am in you back end and trying to install the JA Extension Manager. If I try and install it I get an error message from your system “Unable to find install package”. In fact I get the same error message if I try and install anything on your back end. Could you give it a go and see if you are experiencing the same?

    serega21 Friend

    yes, i get that when i turn on the ftp in joomla system….. dont know why. if i turn it off, it works fine

    last time i installed ja extension manager it left me with hundreds of unkown plugins that i couldnt remove after – is it safe to do it now?

    Phill Moderator

    First thing I did was run akeeba backup and I have taken a copy of your site and installed it on my local machine. At first I had the same problem as you but simply changing the write permissions on your templates>ja_nex directory and all works as expected. This points to permissions.

    I then installed JA Extension Manager on your site to check that all versions are up to date.

    On your server I have tried even setting the perms to 777 in the ja-nex directory and I am still getting this problem on your server. I am happy to upload a copy of your site to my server so we can test it there.

    Phill Moderator

    I have installed an exact copy of your site (bar all the jreviews images as they were huge and I didn’t want to wait too long uploading) on my server at http://www.windsurf.me.uk/testtires

    When I go to the template manager and save ant settings all works as expected. Once again this leads me to believe you have something on your host preventing this from working. I am guessing the may be some suhosin problems but for that you will have to ask your host. Feel free to test the back end saving on my server using the same logon you provided me (your own one wont work due to the way I moved it). I will be deleting this site in a couple of hours before my nightly backups run so please check soon.

    serega21 Friend

    i see that it works on your site…. unfortunately my godaddy vps support sucks, so i guess i ll try to figure it out on my own…..

    thanks for your help 🙂

    Phill Moderator

    See, we do know what we are doing lol.

    Godaddy is notorious for problems such as this due to some of their very ott security settings. I hope you manage to get it sorted or alternatively find another host. If you have root access and understand how to use the CHOWN command that might help you to resolve this. However I do not know the setup you have nor would it be my place to go into your vps and muck about.

    If you do manage to sort it then please come and tell us so we may be better placed to advise future users who may have this same problem.

    Good luck.

    serega21 Friend

    well i changed to FastCGi and run chown to set permissions for account
    i restarted apache
    i cleared cache

    and NOTHING. absolutely no result.

    this is frustrating….
    as usual, GoDaddy support knows nothing for FREE….

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

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