Hi David
Rather than not answer your question with a “try another local server” 🙂 as a wampserver user I have just downloaded and installed the t3 framework 2 for joomla 1.6(2010_version) perfectly. This is the J1.6 version of the purity template and has the t3 framework & plugin in the quickstart of the unzipped dl. It may be possible you have only dl’d the plugin, NOT the complete QS, please dl the t3_framework_2_for_joomla_1.6_(2010_version).zip from the dl section here
To describe what I did , I dl’ed the above named file “t3_framework_2_for_joomla_1.6_(2010_version).zip” I extracted that and then opened the “quickstart” folder from the extracted list of folders. I then unzipped the quickstart and copied to a new folder named t316 I created under wamp, I created a db called t316 to suit. I then used the localhost to run the installer, making sure I used MySQL and NOT SQLi as my db protocol, used root as username and NO pwd etc
I also installed the sample data. I hope this answers your question or helps you with the correct file & procedure