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  • pacman131 Friend

    Upload template – Upload Failed
    Unrecoverable error “PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10)”
    [ Continue … ]
    Upload template – Failed
    Installation file not fo

    Seems to be a big issue with your templates when I used the search button.

    It’s cost me like two hours of trying to upload this template to my stock 1.0.15 joomla cms. Any answers?

    I’ve tried everything, downloading it, reuploading it etc…… I’m going out of my mind!

    mj1256 Friend

    do you have the 1.0.15 version

    you should have downloaded this from JA
    JA Sanidine II for Joomla 1.0 : Quickstart included Joomla! 1.0.15 + Template, Extensions installation packages (7.65 MB)

    then extract it locally

    then open the template folder and there is the template file

    then login into your joomla installation (1.0.15) and go to installers/templates-sites

    browse for the file on your local drive and click upload

    then just set it as the default


    it you want it to look like the demo and have all the same functions as the demo, you need to install the quickstart package

    did you try to install the template using the template manager in joomla?

    pacman131 Friend

    What do you think, I’m a retard? I’ve been using Joomla for 3 years and haven’t encountered this problem once with a template.

    I did exactly like you said, just like I always do. Obviously something’s corrupt on your side, corrupt zip or something.

    Because I orginally tried to use joomla 1.5.x and uploaded this template and everything worked fine. But, I don’t want to use 1.5.x, it doesn’t work well with a component I need to use. So I have to go back to 1.0.15 and now I can’t even upload the template. Been on this for like 3 hours now.

    This is a big issue with your templates, use the search button!

    pacman131 Friend

    forget it, I figured how to do it manually. I installed it from the install directory.

    mj1256 Friend

    my appologies for trying to help you, i am a member just like you and not on staff

    i had no idea what level user you were

    i’ll add you to my do not help list

    good luck

    bennitos Friend

    <em>@mj1256 91424 wrote:</em><blockquote>my appologies for trying to help you, i am a member just like you and not on staff

    i had no idea what level user you were

    i’ll add you to my do not help list

    good luck</blockquote>

    Aint it rewarding to be active on here? Nice to know you’r appriciated right? 😉

    Anyways also pacman131 on the not to help list, good luck with any future problems….

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bennitos 16 years, 1 month ago.

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