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  • xbastardas Friend


    I’ve installed the Slideshow module with a local joomla. Also have JA ironis installed as a quickinstall.
    When I try to copy an article for the slideshow, the html text of image disappears (the part that begins with <!– and ends –>).


    khoand Friend

    When I try to copy an article for the slideshow, the html text of image disappears

    I don’t understand what you mean clearly. Could you explain more? A snapshot with your annotation is very helpful to me understand your problem.

    xbastardas Friend

    In the slideshow tutorial, there are 4 articles and each one has text and a image (category slideshow). I attach a capture of the html version of the article and the text of the image that is inside the red box is the html that It can’t be saved.


    1. slide
    chavan Friend

    The images are hidden using commenting in HTML , Please remove this “<!–” and ends” –>” the image will appear.

    xbastardas Friend

    I’ve removed the “<!–” and “–>” and the images not appear. In the quickstart demo that I have installed the images are hidden with commenting HTML and I can see the images.
    Also, in the quickstart demo I’ve installed, I’ve cuted the line “<!– {jaimage main=”images/stories/slideshow/slideshow2.jpg” thumb=”images/stories/slideshow/thumbs/sl-02-thumb.jpg”} –>”, saved it, then pasted and saved again and the image was not there in the frontend.

    chavan Friend

    Now No other go.I need you site admin details. I will check it and resolve it for you

    Note: If you Find my Post useful please click on the Thanks Icon

    xbastardas Friend

    I resolved it.
    In article manager – options- text filter -super users – No filtering
    Then In slideshow module- advanced options- no cache.


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  xbastardas 13 years, 2 months ago.

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