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  • zen1 Friend

    I have problem whit this module – JA News Featured Module.
    When I install joomla in the main catalog (root directory) on server this module it,s no work. I can’t save any changes in configuration.
    He works however then, when Joomla is on this server in the subdirectory.
    Installation in a subdirectory was for testing. Tests proceeded positively.
    I made the installation target in the root directory. I used the same settings.
    In the administration panel of the module only works ‘Close’ button. Where the reason?
    System: Joomla 1.6, templ. Ja Teline IV

    A similar problem shows UNIQA – Licensed Member at the following address:
    His problem with the ‘teline iii V2 Jooma. 1.5 ‘, but the problems are identical.
    Is this module can work properly? After all, this is a commercial product.

    System: Joomla 1.6, templ. Ja Teline IV

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear zen1,

    you can provide me your url (where the issue can be seen) ,the admin account and the FTP Infos as well via the ticket DSN-100-83143,I will have further checking on the issue for you.

    zen1 Friend

    I have second problem. This time from JA News Pro Module.
    The beginning of the matter, then the information Ja-Ext-Manager. Look the Attach.
    The proposal of New, that is the old version.
    I Uninstalled v. 1.0.1, I installed v. 1.0.0, and on her (in Ja-Ext-Manager) v. 1.0.1. The message about the success.
    I approach to the publication. I place indispensable parameters i… obediences refuse all buttons (keep, keep and close …). Works only CLOSE.
    Such situation this the catastrophe, because the bases of the front practically do not work.

    1. Ja_news_pro
    zen1 Friend

    <em>@zen1 227805 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have second problem. This time from JA News Pro Module.
    The beginning of the matter, then the information Ja-Ext-Manager. Look the Attach.
    The proposal of New, that is the old version.
    I Uninstalled v. 1.0.1, I installed v. 1.0.0, and on her (in Ja-Ext-Manager) v. 1.0.1. The message about the success.
    I approach to the publication. I place indispensable parameters i… obediences refuse all buttons (keep, keep and close …). Works only CLOSE.
    Such situation this the catastrophe, because the bases of the front practically do not work.</blockquote>

    Ladies And Gentlemen!
    He is obvious that I wait for the indication of the way of the solution of my problem.
    I want however to co-operate to facilitate looking for.
    Today I received from the operator hosting which operates me following information:
    “I desire to inform, that servers home.pl possess author’s software (IdeaWebserver). This is the effective platform however he can happen that some moduluses created on the example with the regard of servers Apache can require to the rule individual corrections.”

    zen1 Friend

    I greet!
    Do I ask for information, when I can expect answers?
    Does someone study this problem?

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear zen1,

    The problem is with the JA-Ext-Manager or the JA News Pro Module,I am not much sure,Kindly explain it more clear 🙂

    zen1 Friend

    I greet
    I-Ext-Manager, he facilitates the work, but one can work without him.
    The problem is from “I News Pro Modue” and “I News Featured Module “.
    I wrote about this second earlier. (I wait for the answer. The request: “you can provide me your url (where the issue can be seen) ,the admin account and the FTP Infos as well via the ticket DSN-100-83143” I executed).
    However the mistake (I think so) “JA-Ext-Manager” directed my attention on “JA News Pro Module”, which after the test of the new installation, let not publish, and the same save different parameters.
    Recapitulating: both modules not work.
    My operator informs me that these modules (maybe) require different parameters to their server Apache.
    Sending You the given my account, I was convinced that it and would just be the object of the investigation.
    I will remind:
    My test ran favourably on: http://nowe-kresy.pl/te_4_1_6/.
    For the except “Ja Typo” which ruins the front and several matters still complicate. So should was (and there) switch off him.
    When, I transferred (the new installation) the system to: http://nowe-kresy.pl/, two the main modules refused the co-operation.
    Would I like to know, what farther?
    1. What results did the audyt of my account give?
    2. Are mistakes in modules, if their parameters? Used(I Apache, MYSql)
    I used Teline II on J. 1.5, all functioned superbly. It encouraged this me. I bought now the access to Teline IV and add-ins. Unfortunately, this does not function now.
    The problem consists in this, that earlier, they were this test, and had now to function the serious portal.
    The help is very here and diligently necessary.

    Phill Moderator

    Are you using a translator to translate your language to English for this post? Unfortunately the translator is not doing a very good jos so I am really struggling understand your problems.

    JA Typo does not work well with Teline IV at this time but you can still enter typography the usual way. As for your other issues can you please elaborate preferably by including images of your problems a I really am struggling to comprehend.

    zen1 Friend

    So, there are a lot of technical words here and I lean translating program.
    I agree, I Typo one can manually replace.
    They do not work however:
    JA News Pro Module andJa News Featured Module, which are basis Teline IV.
    Buttons do not work: Save, Save&Close, Save&New, Save as Copy.
    Work Button – Close.

    I made a reinstallation. Then the modules are not allowed to release (the SAVE button not work.) I currently have on the front sight JA Featured NEWS, but is the result of editing a table in the database.

    zen1 Friend

    Forgive Phill, but I hope that you will understand me.
    I want still to add that this worked all in the subdirectory of server my provider. (home.pl)
    The problem is in the main folder.

    thuanlq Friend

    Hi there,

    To resolve this problem, please do as following:
    – Open the file “japaramhelper.php” in the folder “/modules/mod_janews_featured/elements/”, find code:

    $uri = str_replace("/administrator", "", $uri);

    Replace to:

    $uri = str_replace("/administrator", "", $uri);
    $uri = str_replace("://",":JAREPLACE",$uri);
    $uri = str_replace("//","/", $uri);
    $uri = str_replace(":JAREPLACE","://", $uri);
    $uri = str_replace("/modules/","modules/", $uri);

    – Open the file “japaramhelper2.php”, do as the same.


    zen1 Friend

    Your answer solves the problem. I would add to help others, that this method should be used for Ja News Pro.
    Many thanks to thuanlq.

    petokocak Friend

    I have same problem. Buttons Save, Save and Close …etc – no working. I have instal joomla 2.5. I try replace “japaramhelper.php” and “japaramhelper2.php”, but no change.

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