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  • parravicini Friend

    3 questions:

    frist of all I put the cart in the exact position, on the right border, but if the cart is empty le button view cart link to virtuemart home page. How it is possible to avoyd it?

    second when I put something in the cart it is displayed the price and it makes a mess.

    third: I’ve put the login menu on the right side, but it is displayed in black and white and non as the main menu or the products menu.
    Why? Did something wrong?

    Jacopetty (italy)

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi parravicini !
    I have replied you at :

    Dean Clarke Friend

    I had a problem where the view cart button is displayed twice and a show cart link way over on the right hand side of my page.

    I downloaded the file up kindly shared and it worked a treat.

    Many Thanks:)

    phpmaruja Friend


    I’m getting troubles with the shared file. I can’t see the cart OK.

    My URL:

    Some help is it possible??

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi phpmaruja !
    Go to : to solve the problem.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Sherlock 16 years, 2 months ago.

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