I am having some issues with Teline II with how it displays articles in category blog format.
I am using a fresh install of Joomla 1.5.4 and Teline V1.4. I set my categories to display as category blog. The link would look like this:
Section Blog Layout — Category Blog Layout
The problem is that pagination does not show on some of the categories. For example, I have 15 articles in one category. I set the category blog format to show only 6 items. When i do so, I don’t see pagination. If I set it to show 15, I see all the articles.
I am not sure what is causing this bug, but it has delayed my project.
Another strange thing is the registration at the top. On a fresh install, whenever I click the “create account” on top of the page, I see “REGISTER_REQUIRED” at the bottom of the form. I looked at en-GB.tpl_ja_teline_ii.ini after searching on the forum, and saw this was already defined. When I make a link to register, everything is fine.
I noticed that the website takes takes some time to load with teline. Is there a way to speed it up?
I don’t use the jazplugin.