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  • monalh Friend


    I have news-articles, were I want to have the first menu item, with category blog layout, showing the intro text (without “read-more” in the end) from the articles. Then I want another menu item showing the same articles, in a category blog layout, with the articles in full text (no read-more), including both introtext and pictures under the “read-more” insert.

    Please please help me… I have struggled with this for a long time now..

    Phill Moderator

    You can only do that on a per article basis by removing the readmore tag from the article.

    monalh Friend

    Thanks 🙂

    I followed this thread http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=579&t=635192&p=2554153#p2554153, and it works, but the problem now is that I can’t remove the read-more… This solution works like: read-more showing, then only intro. Read-more hidden, then full text (introtext and text under the read-more input). So I guess I’m stuck..

    Phill Moderator

    I think so. The readmore function is a core Joomla function so either you have to manually add or remove it to each article as required or you would have to write some sort of hacks to the Joomla core.

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