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  • johanneshov Friend

    Is there any way I can change the type of listing in Ja News? Currently I am Grouping by Category. If I click on the Category listing headers I find a table of the content within that category. Is there anyway I can chage this listed table to say blog content listing instead?


    Sherlock Friend

    Can you give us your live URL, any screenshot or more details of the problem will be helpful

    johanneshov Friend

    This is how it looks like when clicking on one of the JA News (category) headers on the front page. I would like to have it displayed like the Category Blog layot insted of a table list? Is that possible?
    Regards Johanneshov

    Sherlock Friend
    johanneshov Friend

    Ok but where do I do that in an easy way? In the Ja News back end system set the numbers of the categories (with colors) I would like to have at the front page… the headers with links then turns up automaticly… Where do I manually change the links?
    Thanks for fast reply!

    Sherlock Friend

    seem i miss your question, in Ja News module, it show like you want, you dont need change anything

    If you want make a new menu have blog layout, you can create new, choose mneu type as you want anf config in it

    johanneshov Friend

    The thing is… Ja News does not show how I want it, it shows a Category list layout when I click on the headers (see my link). I would like to have a Article blog list instead.

    Is that possible?

    Sherlock Friend

    Where o you click header Ja news ?
    I view your site, see Ja news module, and i see link of Cleantechföretag category header is:

    johanneshov Friend

    Waov that is so strange… When I started this post this was not the case, but after this first post I made up a new menu list (right margin) with the same name as the JA News header, maybe they somewhat connect as the right module Menu linked to category article blog layot… and I must have had cashed content…

    Anyhow THANKS for your fast reply and drop this thread! 😉

    Sherlock Friend

    ok, I will mark this thiread is solved

    omnibus Friend

    What about the reverse? If I wish a table page instead of a blog page what to change?
    Thank you.

    bijuhameed Friend

    Hello ,

    Did you find a solution to this problem. I too would want to have a table layout when you click on the category headers in ja news.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  bijuhameed 16 years ago.

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