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  • azri445 Friend

    i create articles, and published it on my website. i already set the category and article setting for not showing “hit, show category, post by, date published… etc”

    but when opening some link or articles, some of it using the global setting, but its not automatically applied to other.

    this is working global setting

    while this one, didn’t follow the global setting. This one of the sample, while there’s also another articles didn’t follow

    Saguaros Moderator


    This issue often comes from the settings inheritance. Kindly check the settings in ‘Our Clients’ Menu item on your site and see how these options (hit, show category, post by, date published… etc) are set. Because settings in menu item will be used in priority so:

    – If these options are set to show, they will display on this page
    – If they are set to ‘Use Global’, then it will inherit settings from Global Configuration.

    Once done, remember to clean JAT3 cache (link on top right corner in back-end)

    Saguaros Moderator


    This issue often comes from the settings inheritance. Kindly check the settings in ‘Our Clients’ Menu item on your site and see how these options (hit, show category, post by, date published… etc) are set. Because settings in menu item will be used in priority so:

    – If these options are set to show, they will display on this page
    – If they are set to ‘Use Global’, then it will inherit settings from Global Configuration.

    Once done, remember to clean JAT3 cache (link on top right corner in back-end)

    azri445 Friend

    i already set the setting “HIDE” in category option, and clear cache..but still

    azri445 Friend

    i already set the setting “HIDE” in category option, and clear cache..but still

    Saguaros Moderator

    As I mentioned above, you should change in menu item ‘Our Clients’:

    I just hide the ‘Hits’ option and you can see that the hits number is not showing now, just go to Backend > Menus > Main menu > Our Clients and hide options as you wish.

    Saguaros Moderator

    As I mentioned above, you should change in menu item ‘Our Clients’:

    I just hide the ‘Hits’ option and you can see that the hits number is not showing now, just go to Backend > Menus > Main menu > Our Clients and hide options as you wish.

    azri445 Friend

    Alreay try ti hide it and also using global configuration, its still not working… not only on our clients .but other articles also having this kindda of problem

    azri445 Friend

    Alreay try ti hide it and also using global configuration, its still not working… not only on our clients .but other articles also having this kindda of problem

    Saguaros Moderator

    It’s weird!

    I just tried to set it to use Global Configuration option and you can see in Our Clients page now, the info is not showing anymore.

    Please make sure that after you make change, REMEMBER to clean JAT3 cache.

    Saguaros Moderator

    It’s weird!

    I just tried to set it to use Global Configuration option and you can see in Our Clients page now, the info is not showing anymore.

    Please make sure that after you make change, REMEMBER to clean JAT3 cache.

    azri445 Friend

    its weird, i already try to clear my joomla cache, JAT3 clean Cache and browser cache… its only fixed my our clients articles.

    BUT on , its still showing the “IN” category.

    and also, the image of our services not using the same value, when browsing using Mozilla, its properly adjusted and size.

    BUT when using chrome and IE… the image smaller.

    azri445 Friend

    its weird, i already try to clear my joomla cache, JAT3 clean Cache and browser cache… its only fixed my our clients articles.

    BUT on , its still showing the “IN” category.

    and also, the image of our services not using the same value, when browsing using Mozilla, its properly adjusted and size.

    BUT when using chrome and IE… the image smaller.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Please check it carefully first as I can see you’re setting to Show Category so, of course, it’s showing the “IN” category text:

    Saguaros Moderator

    Please check it carefully first as I can see you’re setting to Show Category so, of course, it’s showing the “IN” category text:

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

This topic contains 15 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 8 years, 11 months ago.

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