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  • piojo777 Friend

    I would like to know how can I change the categories order in the module “JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module – Magazine – Category Listing : style-1”. Now are ordered alphabetically.

    pavit Moderator


    You have the feature Article order for this

    If you want to order Categories instead you should edit php code templatesja_teline_vacmnews-listtmplstyle-1.php

    1. Screenshot_4
    piojo777 Friend

    Hi, I would like to order the categories. What I need to change in that file to order the categories by Joomla Category ORDER)

    pavit Moderator

    <em>@piojo777 473373 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, I would like to order the categories. What I need to change in that file to order the categories by Joomla Category ORDER)

    Sorry but customizing php files is out of the scope of this forum , i can suggest to hire a developer to make such type of customizations.

    piojo777 Friend

    Hi, Pavit, i don’t expect a customization for this module, i’m just asking how to order the categories (a basic feature that maybe should have come with the module)

    The module load the categories here:

    if (!count($catids)) return ;
    $categories = JATemplateHelper::loadCategories($catids);

    As “loadCategories” is a Class from JATemplateHelper (from T3), is there a way to pass a parameter to order the Category listing according the defeault Joomla category order? Could you provide this information at least?

    Thanks in advance.

    piojo777 Friend

    Hi, Pavit, i don’t expect a customization for this module, i’m just asking how to order the categories (a basic feature that maybe should have come with the module)

    The module load the categories here:

    if (!count($catids)) return ;
    $categories = JATemplateHelper::loadCategories($catids);

    As “loadCategories” is a Class from JATemplateHelper (from T3), is there a way to pass a parameter to order the Category listing according the defeault Joomla category order? Could you provide this information at least?

    Thanks in advance.

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>i’m just asking how to order the categories (a basic feature that maybe should have come with the module)</blockquote>

    I can agree with you on this and your suggestion will be passed to Joomlart developers to be evaluated and eventually added as feature in the next module release.

    <blockquote>As “loadCategories” is a Class from JATemplateHelper (from T3), is there a way to pass a parameter to order the Category listing according the defeault Joomla category order?</blockquote>

    This is what i was talking in my previous post , a way to customize this should be but this means to develop a new customization over the php classes for the whole template , and this is not the scope of this forum , sorry

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>i’m just asking how to order the categories (a basic feature that maybe should have come with the module)</blockquote>

    I can agree with you on this and your suggestion will be passed to Joomlart developers to be evaluated and eventually added as feature in the next module release.

    <blockquote>As “loadCategories” is a Class from JATemplateHelper (from T3), is there a way to pass a parameter to order the Category listing according the defeault Joomla category order?</blockquote>

    This is what i was talking in my previous post , a way to customize this should be but this means to develop a new customization over the php classes for the whole template , and this is not the scope of this forum , sorry

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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