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  • greentel Friend

    Login & Logout Module when CB_login is used instead of joomla.

    In the module area “top” when CB login and logout is selected it leaves the orginal area of the joomla login and instead appears to the far left of the screen when logged and when not logged in it appears on the left and to overlap the logo structure.

    I simply wish for the login_cb to appear as did the joomla login and without any obvious answer to why this is happening and how to rectify this issue.
    – To see the issue (site in maintenance) U: joomlart P: pass

    Similar issues have been raised but no direct answer been provided within forum…

    Your help would be appreciated, may i ask that if you to are experiencing this problem with cb_login that once an answer has been established this should be added to the userguide for this template as it looks like a common question

    great template thanks for support


    David Steadson Friend

    I’m having the same issue. This is crucial as we need people to register through community builder. So far this template seems incredibly fragile, trying virtually anything different than “out of the box” breaks the formatting.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David Steadson 16 years, 1 month ago.

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