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  • marvelous development Friend


    I’m using default theme for Ja Mero (Joomla 2.5.10). Its default background color is black. How to change it to any image that I want as background?

    pavit Moderator


    The ja_Mero quickstart already have themes with background images so you can assign a theme to your default layout and then customize your theme as you wish

    Example Wood Theme

    The css is managed by this file templatesja_merocssthemeswoodtemplate.css around line 2980

    body {
    background: url(../../../images/themes/wood/body-bg.jpg) #956648

    So the path with images will be images/themes/wood/ in that path you can override the image body-bg.jpg with your image respecting dimensions ( height and width )


    marvelous development Friend

    Hi Pavit,

    I do understand that. However, when I used themes, some of the style that I already add (when using default theme) is not appear. I edit it in less file.

    pavit Moderator

    Use the theme related template.css file to make your changes, after you have completed then you can use the compile Less to Css button from your template manager.

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