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  • eutica Friend

    Where can I change main body bottom margin?

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Not sure what you are referring to. Can you be more specific or give us an illustration of what you are wanting to accomplish? Perhaps provide a URL?

    Are you wanting to change the distance between the bottom of your content to the top of the modules below it? If so…that’s sort of a juggling act with the modules you have in the right column. The more you have in the right column, the larger the distance will between the bottom of you content and the top of the lower modules…as the right column will always push the lower margins down.


    SP Media Friend

    I presume you want to add or remove padding; in your template CSS file, find:

    body#bd {
    padding: 0 0 0 0; // The third 0 is your bottom margin

    To clarify, each value represents the below;

    1. padding-top
    2. padding-right
    3. padding-bottom
    4. padding-left

    Alter any of those properties to give your desired effect.


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