I’m assuming by the “top-menu” you are meaning the main navigation menu items (green and blue).
Couple of things you have to do:
First to change the blue color on all the “UNSELECTED” menu items…
Goto template_css.css (line 921)
…and change the code below in RED to whatever color you want.
#ja-mainnavwrap {
background:#59B2C4 none repeat scroll 0 0;
Second, to change the color of the SELECTED menu item…the green color.
You need to do two things: first goto ja-splitmenu.css (line 62)
….and again change the color code highlighted in RED below…AND change the color of the image highlighted in GREEN below.
#ja-splitmenu li.active a, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:hover, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:active, #ja-splitmenu li.active a:focus {
background:#60B071 url(../images/mainnav-sep-hover.gif) repeat-y scroll right center;
It takes a little work…but not really difficult at all. If you are using Photoshop with the image…simple open it, change it to an RGB image…and then change the HUE and SATURATION to match the color you’re wanting. Then resave it as a GIF file.
Have fun.