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  • melanieb Friend


    I needed to change the background images / colours on my site to white, but now I can’t see the text. I have tried changing individual article text to black but the changes do not show – the text colour remains white. I am looking in the template.css but there are so many font css codes in there that I am not sure which bit I need to change. Also my header colours are also white i.e. the titles., and the hover colour of the top links (which sit above the search box) are also white and need to be changed.

    Can anyone point me to the right code?

    Kind regards

    swissa Friend

    For the top menΓΌ look into template.css for this code -maybe around line 837?

    #ja-topmenu ul.menu li a { color: #3CB5B5
    padding: 8px 20px;
    display: block;

    Change the colour as you want – this is the static colour

    for the hover look for

    #ja-topmenu ul.menu li a:hover,#ja-topmenu ul.menu li a:focus,
    #ja-topmenu ul.menu li.active a {
    color: #fff

    and change the colour.

    For the other bit a screenshot would help.

    melanieb Friend

    This is a screenshot of the content which sits in the contentmass_top position the second image shows where I have highlighted the sample test to show you. I shall go try altering the template now as you suggested above – thanks for answering me πŸ™‚

    1. content1
    2. content2
    swissa Friend

    It comes from this code I think

    body#bd { background: url(../images/body-bg.gif) repeat top #252627 color: #6c6c6c }

    which you can find either near the start of template.css or, if you are using a theme, at the start of the theme template.css

    To save you time in posting and then waiting for responses here can I ask if you use Chrome or Firefox? If not, perhaps you might like to start!! It will help you to find the line number of the css you are looking to change and will make your life infinitely easier.

    I recommend using Google Chrome. There are lots of videos on the interweb showing you how to use the developer tools and if I can use it, anyone can! πŸ˜€

    melanieb Friend

    Hi swissa,

    once again you have saved the day! I have applied all the changes you suggested and now I can see the text. I use Google Chrome – I installed the latest Firefox but it did all sorts of weird things to my PC and changed my search engines and everything *even though when installing I said no to everything). It took me hours to uninstall and remove all the files that it added. I did a right click on Google chrome and saw all the css, but it was all squashed and I couldn’t make sense of it. I will persevere and have another go πŸ™‚

    Thanks once again for helping me, and for the useful advice which I will try

    swissa Friend

    If you to Template Manager, Orisite and then in the Global Tab set ‘enable development mode’ to ‘yes’ and ‘optimse css’ to ‘no’ you’ll see the real code not the compressed stuff.

    That WILL help!! πŸ™‚

    Good luck!

    melanieb Friend

    ah – excellent, it now looks better – you certainly know your stuff!

    A massive thanks again πŸ˜€

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