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  • thanili Friend

    hello guys,

    i would like to change several things in genista template.

    One of these is to change the color of the heading in content articles. I have already changed the size of the heading editing the

    table.blog .contentheading {
    /*font-size: 170%;*/
    font-size: 150%; /* changed font size */
    color: #fab301; /* tried to change the color of the contentheading, but did not work */

    With this code the content heading in intro is changed, though the content heading when a specific content item is selected (view more…) does not change…

    is this a bug?

    How do i changed the content heading color?

    tempusserbia Friend

    Open your CSS file and look for:

    /* Normal link */
    a {
    color: #35A6BE;
    text-decoration: none;

    a:hover, a:active, a:focus {
    color: #35A6BE;
    text-decoration: underline;

    Then change color to whatever you want…actually, title is a link, so I think, that was problem for you to find it.

    thanili Friend

    Editing this part of css code just changes the “pathay” and not the content item title. You can see it in the: http://creteroutes url. if you go to section Χωριά (Villages) and select one content item for example Γούβες (Gouves), you will see that the title of the article is in black …

    Sorry for the greek in the site, but it is still in development process and i just have changed template so it is quite messed up…

    By viewing the source of the page (or using web developer add-on in firefox) i can see that the class applying to the title of the content item is the “contentheading”.

    thanili Friend

    Any support here?

    Sherlock Friend

    Plz go to line 653 of template_css.css

    .contentheading {

    You can add color here

    thanili Friend

    Thanx for the answer…quite stupid of not to have find it…:confused: lol

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  thanili 16 years, 7 months ago.

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