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  • decrevel19 Friend

    Right now everything reads day, month year. I would prefer Month Day, Year…. is there a quick fix for this?

    specifically in how it dates every article

    uniquebiz Friend

    <em>@decrevel19 165343 wrote:</em><blockquote>Right now everything reads day, month year. I would prefer Month Day, Year…. is there a quick fix for this?

    specifically in how it dates every article</blockquote>

    Hi I had the same problem while making a site for the US market but installing the site as GB english 🙂 Did a lot of googling and came up with forums posts pointing to a us language file replacement include two main post from forum.. worked for me on Joomla 1.5.15

    POST 1
    If you are trying to accomplish a standard US English format (Month Day Year) and you do not wish to manually change your language file and you are using Joomla! 1.5.xx you might consider using Dave Morgan’s American English translation language file found here:,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,5341/Itemid,35/.

    By installing that, you will see the American English version of the date (Month Day Year) displayed and this will prevent you from having to change your language files. Hope that helps. Thanks to Dave Morgan for the translation.

    Professional Website Development

    POST 2 with useful info

    To “simplewebworks” – I installed that extension but nothing changed on my site, it still has the ‘backwards’ European date and time format, not the American date/time format. Guess we will have to just bite the bullet do it the hard way by re-coding the PHP file. Yikes.

    : I stand corrected. What is not explained in the post is that once the simplewebworks extension is installed, you must take the additional step of logging into your language manager on your Joomla admin, then select the “English US” as the default. Then, it works beautifully. A simple “Once installed, set default to “English US” in language manager” would have been great.

    Just wanted other American folks to know that the extension is, after all, a nifty solution to this date/time format problem.

    decrevel19 Friend

    Awesome! Thanks.

    Is there a way I can get in and modify certain aspects to that file like, February.11.10, to February 11, 2010

    You guys are more than helpful… glad I chose JoomlArt

    uniquebiz Friend

    Hi Decrevel19
    I do remember seeing somthing about adding the month long name to dates, but didn’t pay a lot of attention to the post. Give me a few hrs and I’ll see if I can find the same forum/post for you
    Cheers Shannon

    uniquebiz Friend

    decrevel19;165990Awesome! Thanks.

    Is there a way I can get in and modify certain aspects to that file like, February.11.10, to February 11, 2010

    You guys are more than helpful… glad I chose JoomlArt

    I found the forum thread re changing dates as promised

    Have a look here there are many many posts re dates I’m sure you’ll find the answers somewhere

    Cheers Shannon

    decrevel19 Friend

    Here’s my question… why doesn’t some PHP transfer. Like “j” should be day of the month 1-31, and it comes up to be day of the year, IE: 222, 340, etc. And the code for “am” and “pm” dont work… is there a special code of PHP or am I doing something incorrect?

    uniquebiz Friend

    I don’t know php code that well , but some posters on the forum I sent you to, do note that some php coding does not work with windows servers but does if you are on a linux server and do not work with php 4.5 but with v 5, if that is of any help.

    I’d suggest you go to the forum via the link I provided and post you question there, it may reach a wider audience and php coders than this area can
    hope you get it all resolved

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