Does anyone have an answer to this question?
It really applies to all collapsible modules.
I have found that the backend for the template has a section named Right modules which further says
Right modules are provided Collapsible capabilities. This is very confusing because modules in the left and top position (and perhaps other positions I have not tested) have collapsible capabilities.
The options are then provided to confirgure modules.
Provide overrides for specific modules by included their ID in the excluded Module text area (should also say seperated by commas)
Right modules collapsible function O Enable O Disable
Default status O Expand All O Collapse All
Exclude Modules
The problem with this is that excluded moduls also loose their collapsible status so it is not a complete solution. What I would like to do is have particular module displayed initially in their collapsed state while not disabling the abilty for others to be collapsed as required by the viewer.