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  • ppounder Friend

    Hi there,

    Can’t see anything in the docs about changing the logo? I’m assuming it’s a change to the core code? If so, could you advise where?


    Paul Pounder

    Konrad M Wagner Friend

    To change the text, just edit the code in /templates/ja_wall/index.php (line 120)

    There ist no logo file in the default and classic template.

    pikaweb Friend

    <em>@konradwagner 320368 wrote:</em><blockquote>To change the text, just edit the code in /templates/ja_wall/index.php (line 120)

    There ist no logo file in the default and classic template.</blockquote>

    OK, but how change the background color of the logo? I think it is #84b12a, but the color does not change when I change the numbers. Who can help me?
    Regards, Pieter

    chavan Friend

    Find this code in this Css /templates/ja_wall/css/template.css

    And replace the #690 with any new colors like red #FF0000, black #000000 etc…

    #logo {
    background: #690;
    border-bottom: 5px solid #84b12a;
    float: left;
    height: 40px;
    position: relative;
    width: 120px;
    z-index: 1000;
    text-align: center;

    Note: If you Find my Post useful please click on the Thanks Icon

    pikaweb Friend

    <em>@Chavan 324067 wrote:</em><blockquote>Find this code in this Css /templates/ja_wall/css/template.css

    And replace the #690 with any new colors like red #FF0000, black #000000 etc…

    #logo {
    background: #690;
    border-bottom: 5px solid #84b12a;
    float: left;
    height: 40px;
    position: relative;
    width: 120px;
    z-index: 1000;
    text-align: center;

    Note: If you Find my Post useful please click on the Thanks Icon</blockquote>

    It works! Thanks a lot. Pieter

    semblance Friend


    I’m new and i m not sure to be in the good place.

    I ve a little problem and i m not sure using the good way :

    I m looking for changing the Ja Wall logo (it’s not an image but text) we can find it in /web/jupgrade/templates/ja_wall/index.php on line 111. I ve download the file, changing the ja wall text and when i want to replace the original one with my, i can’t do it cause i ven’t permissions. Of course i ve try to change it but i can’t too.

    Help me please, how can i change that?

    Have a good day

    chavan Friend

    Please post your site url and admin details in PM

    semblance Friend

    <em>@Chavan 324160 wrote:</em><blockquote>Please post your site url and admin details in PM</blockquote>

    So sorry but what’s PM?:-[

    chavan Friend

    atleast post your site Url. so i can have a look at it.

    PM means Private message

    Alsp JA Wall is just text and not image.

    Go to this File: templatesja_wallindex.php

    This is the code where you need to change the Site Name

    <a href="<?php JURI::base(true) ?>" title="JA Wall"><span>JA</span>WALL</a>

    Note: If you Find my Post useful please click on the Thanks Icon

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