How to change logo
1) Overriding with default theme: you only create a image named is logo.png and put it into the templates/ja_TEMPALTE/images
2)Overriding with a theme: you put your logo into the templatesja_TEMPALTEcorethemesTHEMENAMEimages
3) Use the logo for all theme: you open the file: templatesja_TEMPALTEcsstemplate.css file and find the following code;
h1.logo a {
background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left;
display: block;
width: 294px;
height: 68px;
replace by:
h1.logo a {
background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat left!important;
display: block;
width: 294px;
height: 68px;
and then you put your logo into the templates/ja_TEMPLATE/images folder
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