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  • martinahovi Friend


    I need to change the site (layout) width from 800 to 980px. It’s a pity that this is not possible with a parameter in the template settings. Nevertheless how can this be done … for dummies? I already found a thread but that did not do the whole trick.

    pavit Moderator


    You can set template width managing this file templatesja_beranislessvariables.less

    // Default 940px grid
    // -------------------------
    @T3gridWidth: 880px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.
    @gridColumns: 12;
    @gridGutterWidth: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth: floor((@T3gridWidth - @gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // 1200px min
    @T3gridWidth1200: 880px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth1200: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth1200: floor((@T3gridWidth1200 - @gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth1200: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth1200) + (@gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // 980px-1199px
    @T3gridWidth980: 760px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth980: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth980: floor((@T3gridWidth980 - @gridGutterWidth980 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth980: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth980) + (@gridGutterWidth980 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // T3 Add: 768px-979px
    @T3gridWidth768: 680px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth768: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth768: floor((@T3gridWidth768 - @gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth768: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth768) + (@gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    After changed values you will need to Compile less to css

    martinahovi Friend

    Thank you so much! That absolutely did it!

    vmalyshev Friend

    where is this variebless/less? I just dont have it in my joomla:

    1. Scshot1
    pavit Moderator


    The less folder is not vidìsible in the template manager you need to access your joomla folder with an ftp client and access this folder


    vmalyshev Friend

    Ive tried following your instructions. this is what my file looks like. Im trying to get it as wide as possible but still with a margin. But it has not affected the width, why?

    // GRID
    // ————————————————–

    // Default 940px grid
    // ————————-
    @T3gridWidth: 1200px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.
    @gridColumns: 12;
    @gridGutterWidth: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth: floor((@T3gridWidth – @gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns – 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns – 1));

    // 1200px min
    @T3gridWidth1200: 1200px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth1200: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth1200: floor((@T3gridWidth1200 – @gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns – 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth1200: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth1200) + (@gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns – 1));

    // 980px-1199px
    @T3gridWidth980: 980px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth980: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth980: floor((@T3gridWidth980 – @gridGutterWidth980 * (@gridColumns – 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth980: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth980) + (@gridGutterWidth980 * (@gridColumns – 1));

    // T3 Add: 768px-979px
    @T3gridWidth768: 720px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth768: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth768: floor((@T3gridWidth768 – @gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns – 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth768: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth768) + (@gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns – 1));

    vmalyshev Friend

    domain: chamberscn.com

    pavit Moderator

    did you compiled again the files ?
    Compile less to css

    vmalyshev Friend

    yes, if you mean clicking on compile less to css in the template manager – i have done it.

    pavit Moderator

    Just tried it on my localhost and it worked fine

    // 1200px min
    @T3gridWidth1200: 1200px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth1200: 20px;
    @gridColumnWidth1200: floor((@T3gridWidth1200 - @gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth1200: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth1200) + (@gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    try to compile Less to Css only the default theme

    vmalyshev Friend

    Yes you were right! Thank you.

    vmalyshev Friend

    but when viewing site on a mobile device – logo has dissapeared! I did not delete or alter it 🙁

    Saguaros Moderator


    I just tried to open in both iphone and android devices, your logo works fine as seen in screenshort below:

    vmalyshev Friend

    It could do on the phone, but tablet is not Ok. I remember there smth about overlapping layers and there is a way to amend it, I just forgot how. will you remind me please? Thanks.

    Saguaros Moderator

    It’s weird as I opened in iPad and it shows correctly, as seen here:

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