Hi, I have been trying to change the overlay opacity on the main slideshow but seem to be unable to make the changes in www/templates/ja_company/css/custom.css
Other changes to the css in the same custom.css works fine, but when I try to add
.slideshow .has-mask:before {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
where it before had a value of rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) it does not change the display when reloading.
If I change the value in /www/templates/ja_company/acm/slideshow/css/style.css the change is sucessful.
Am I wrong in believing that custom.css is the right place to make my own css edits so they are not overwritten when upgrading the template?
Best Regards
EDIT: not the entire post was shown after publishing.