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  • pavit Moderator


    Open this file templates/ja_nex_t3/tpls/blocks/left-content.php and change :

    FROM :

      // Layout configuration
      $layout_config = json_decode ('{
        "one_sidebar2": {
          "default" : [ "span3"         , "span9"             ],
          "wide"    : [],
          "xtablet" : [ "span4"         , "span8"             ],
          "tablet"  : [ "span12"        , "span12 spanfirst"  ]
      // positions configuration
      $sidebar2 = 'sidebar-2';

    TO :

      // Layout configuration
      $layout_config = json_decode ('{
        "one_sidebar2": {
          "default" : [ "span4"         , "span8"             ],
          "wide"    : [],
          "xtablet" : [ "span4"         , "span8"             ],
          "tablet"  : [ "span12"        , "span12 spanfirst"  ]
      // positions configuration
      $sidebar2 = 'sidebar-2';

    if you are using local folder for tpls then you should apply changes in that folder

    Memotas Friend

    Result Error:

    Please click to link : http://www.denemelik.com/guencel-haberler/531-sinav-oncesi-neler-yenmeli.html


    any link on the front page.

    pavit Moderator


    First to post here the solution i tested it on my local installation of the Ja Nex T3 quickstart template i made today , and it worked like a charm , if you want me to take a look at your backend, reply to this post as private adding your backend login credentials.

    Memotas Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    pavit Moderator

    It is already working fine as you can see from image below

    grid was changed from 3 to 4

    1. Screenshot_38
    Memotas Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    pavit Moderator

    I switched your default template layout to the template full width

    You should read documentation carefully to understand how layout assignment works HERE

    each menu item can have assigned a specific layout your home page has assigned the sidebar layout ( the one modified ) all other menu items has assigned the full-width layout where layout style is the default one

    and as you can see all pages are working now

    Memotas Friend

    I could not do for new website. Can you do for me? Please examine.

    pavit Moderator

    I could not do for new website. Can you do for me? Please examine.

    I already changed width of sidebar from 3 to 4 as you requested at first post of this topic , as i already explained above you should read documentation about how layout works for Joomlart templates

    I do not know how you want your website to appear , i only modified the ‘ja_nex – Sidebar Content’ layout and changed in it the sidebar width – all others layouts are always the same as they was before.

    If you install a quickstart version of the template in another folder you can better underatand looking at various settings how it works

    Memotas Friend

    I have read documentation. But the problem was not solved.

    pavit Moderator

    I have read documentation. But the problem was not solved.

    Below there are 2 images first image is the original width settings for sidebar and content, second image is the layout with settings i modified on your website .

    This is what i changed , all other layouts are always the same

    1. original
    2. Screenshot_3
    Memotas Friend

    When I chose ja_nex – Sidebar Content and I assign "Home", website come empty.

    1. image
    pavit Moderator

    When I chose ja_nex – Sidebar Content and I assign "Home", website come empty.

    As you can see from the resulted errors on the home this is not related to the changes i made – it is an error coming from your template files – Reasons can be many so i cannot investigate on how template was installed before ,you can try to uninstall template and then install it again – in this way original files will be copied again and maybe error can be solved .

    Best regards

    1. Screenshot_4
    Memotas Friend

    Thank you for your interest.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Memotas 8 years, 11 months ago.

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