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  • nkamp Friend


    From the desigh I received I have to change the contact form in a much simple form. I have done this with a another template/form but that was a quit easy to do. It was all in the default.php of the component contact.

    First I want it without accordian. Were can I switch of these accordian?

    On the left side I want the contact information like:
    – City
    – street
    – etc.
    and link(s)

    On the right side of the contact information I want to have the contact form.

    So in my opinion I have to put a div arround the contact info and the contact form.

    Does anyone have a example how to do this? And it has still to be responsive.

    Thanks in advance,


    ***** EDIT ******

    I have found to switch off the accordian (Contact Options – Display format: plain)

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    If you would like to override contact form on your site, you can do that as following

    + Create com_contact folder into templates/ja_puresite/html folder

    + Open components/com_contact/views/contact/tmpl/ folder

    + Copy default.php and default_form.php files paste into templates/ja_puresite/html/com_contact folder

    And you can customize anything on default_form.php file.

    Pls check and feel free to get back to me for further assistance.

    nkamp Friend

    Thanks ninja,

    I have done this.

    I have made progress by throuwing out the:
    //echo JText::_(‘COM_CONTACT_FORM_LABEL’);

    Now I have the address and form next to each other.

    ****** EDIT *****

    I have done this before I mean, and there it works. The first I have done was in the components dir. The changes works. So I moved the files to templagesresetfashionhtmlcom_contact. I made new changes, but nothing is happening now.
    I have also tried:

    The changes I have made are still in dir “componentscom_contactviewscontacttmpl” and this is not what you want as developer.

    (I have made a copy of the puresite template to resetfashion.)

    BTW. I have also installed the quick install puresite, and have tried there is well, but it seems also that it is there not working.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    We do not recommend hacking the Joomla core files. You can use my way on this link and customize anything on JA Puresite tempate.

    These are wrong :

    templagesresetfashionhtmlcom_contactviewscont acttmpl
    templagesresetfashionhtmlcom_contactviewscont act

    You need to remove views folder in JA Puresite template

    After making any changes please do remember to clear cache from Admin area

    nkamp Friend

    Hello Ninja,

    The path to make a override is slightly different: It must be:


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Did you solve this problem on your site? If you still face this issue, you can send me URL of your site you’re working on. I shall check it for you

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ninja Lead 11 years, 1 month ago.

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