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  • ardase Friend

    I recent design the logo in swf, but , how to input in tempate?


    Sherlock Friend

    ardase !
    What joomla version do you use ?
    with joomla 1.0 you can do it by way :
    open index.php file in templates/ja_edenite folder, find following code section :

    $siteName = $tmpTools->sitename();
    if ($tmpTools->getParam('logoType')=='image') { ?>
    <h1 class="logo">
    <a href="index.php" title="<?php echo $siteName; ?>"><span><?php echo $siteName; ?></span></a>
    <?php } else {
    $logoText = (trim($tmpTools->getParam('logoText'))=='') ? $config->sitename : $tmpTools->getParam('logoText');
    $sloganText = (trim($tmpTools->getParam('sloganText'))=='') ? JText::_('SITE SLOGAN') : $tmpTools->getParam('sloganText'); ?>
    <h1 class="logo-text">
    <a href="index.php" title="<?php echo $siteName; ?>"><span><?php echo $logoText; ?></span></a>
    <p class="site-slogan"><?php echo $sloganText;?></p>
    <?php } ?>

    change into :

    $siteName = $tmpTools->sitename();
    <h1 class="logo"><!-- add flash source here --> </h1>

    ardase Friend

    ohh hainn84 thanks , but what is tehe code to insert swf?

    i’m understand promated:confused:

    Sherlock Friend

    This sample code for load swf file :

    <object width="900" height="278" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
    <param value="templates/ja_edenite/images/flashfeed.swf" name="movie"/>
    <param value="high" name="quality"/>
    <param value="transparent" name="vmode"/>
    <embed width="900" height="278" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" quality="high" src="templates/ja_edenite/images/flashfeed.swf"/>

    red code is path to the swf file , you must change it to path to your swf file.

    ardase Friend

    ohhhh very very thanks is that okkk 😀

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