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  • nedzad grebovic Friend

    Hi folks,

    how can I change width of content area from 831 px to e.g. 720 px? See screenshoot bellow:

    1. change-size
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This popup has fixed on the js file, width a column time(multiply) with 3


    $('<div id="popup-content" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; visibility: hidden;"></div>')
    .append($('<div id="popup-head"></div>').append($('<a href="javascript:;" class="close"></a>').on('click', onHide)))
    .append($('<div id="popup-inner"></div>').append($('<iframe id="popup-iframe" src="' + url + '" height="1" width="' + ( ('basewidth')? ('basewidth') : $('#base-blank-item').width()) * 3 + '" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" />').bind('load', ifmOnload)))

    or you can go to Admin add width a column (240)

    <blockquote>Admin area->Extensions->Edit JA_Lens – Default ->Average Item Base Width(set 240)</blockquote>

    gabrielanta Friend


    I want to change the HEIGHT of the article, so I can see the entire article on the mainpage.

    Should I modify this same file? What should I change?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I’m afraid that you don’t have the option to change the setting on this. As I know there is only a setting with Width. The height will auto-resize to match with the Width.

    You can read more code from K2 forum:

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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