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  • filomino Friend


    I’m sure this has been answered before, but I have looked and have not been able to find the answer. I have never posted before as I have always found my answers here, until now…

    I would like to change the entire background color of this template to Black, but I can’t find where to do that. I have changed a bunch of settings in the CSS file to no avail, so i’m guessing that it is an image that is being tiled, I dunno….please help =)

    Thank you

    redlight_traitor Friend

    The easy way is to download colorzilla for firefox. Use the tool to find out what color is the current background, go into the template editing mode and open up the CSS and do a search for that color code and then change to whatever you want.

    bluecafe Friend

    Another useful tool is the webdeveloper toolbar for firefox. There you have a tab “information” and in the dropdownmenu you can choose ‘display div order’. Then you can see how the template is organised and where to find what .. like this:

    For the entire background could try #ja-wrapper but I am afraid it is splitted in more parts than that.

    redlight_traitor Friend

    Awesome tool, thanks bluecafe!

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  redlight_traitor 17 years, 2 months ago.

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