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  • 0dass0a9d-asd Friend

    I am trying to change the background color of my my JA Methys template – but I am having SOO much problems. I have HEAVILY modified the template so that might be why, I could have a deleted some code or something. (Its Joomla 1.6)

    When I go to my template.css file and change this:

    body#bd { background: #fff; color: #000; }


    body#bd { background: #000; color: #000; }

    It changes ALL the background colors, including the background of articles, all I want to change is the background of the website.

    I also would like to know how to add a shaddow around the edges of the website.


    chavan Friend

    This won’t work.
    body#bd { background: #000; color: #000; }

    The following would work

    File: templates/ja_methys/css/template.css

    For Home Page & inner page content change here :

    Replace this

    #ja-container .main {
    background: #FFFFFF;


    #ja-container .main {
    background: #FF0000 !important;

    For Home Page Right Column, Remove the image and apply the color code:

    Replace this With

    #ja-right {
    background: url("../images/dot.gif") repeat-y scroll left top #F5F5F5;


    #ja-right {
    background: #FF0000;

    Note: If you Find my Post useful please click on the Thanks Icon

    0dass0a9d-asd Friend

    Thanks for the help! but I actually found out what I deleted and got that corrected.

    Do you have any idea how to create the shadow effect around the website edges?


    chavan Friend

    Check this link for shadow effect. This is CSS3 format. http://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/css-box-shadow/
    Check this for making it compatible with all IE browsers http://fetchak.com/ie-css3/

    Note: If you Find my Post useful please click on the Thanks Icon

    0dass0a9d-asd Friend

    Hey thanks for the help Chavan,

    But I am not super familiar with CSS where would I implement this code?


    chavan Friend

    please provide your site Url and also Need a picture how and where do you need the shadow

    0dass0a9d-asd Friend

    Hey Chavan,

    The link is http://www.hevula.com/testsite

    And I want the shadow just on the edges of the side (Like a drop shaddow effect)

    chavan Friend

    you should add a another wrapper DIV just below the exiting wrapper DIV tag And end it before the start of Footer DIV tag

    And then you should apply the shadow as suggested . then only you can view the shadow on both sides.

    0dass0a9d-asd Friend

    Sorry, but I just can’t figure out where to implement that code.

    .shadow {
    -moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #ccc;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #ccc;
    box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #ccc;

    Can you give me more directions?

    I have attached a picture of where I want the shadow.


    1. help4
    Phill Moderator

    As it is just the left and right sides of your overall site it would probably be simpler for you to just do it with a background image.

    0dass0a9d-asd Friend

    Ahh yes this is the last thing and then I am done, So I am hoping to get this done quickly.

    Should I just create a .png thats the same width as the page (little bigger) but only like 10px tall? with the shadow on the edges?

    I can make this image, but can you explain how I will implement it?


    Phill Moderator

    The easiest way to explain it is to give you an example of a page that does the same. Take a look at the JA Cooper demo. Click on the styles button then select in the right menu the carbon style. You will see it has a nice image generated shadow effect. take a look at the code of carbon.css line 1 and the image it uses.

    body#bd {
    background: url("../../images/carbon/body-bg.gif") repeat-y scroll center top #F5F5F5;
    color: #AAAAAA;


    Simple really.

    0dass0a9d-asd Friend

    Ah, its just not working.

    I implemted this code in my template.css file and it is not showing the image. I made sure the image is the right size and all. If I change the color in that line of code it does change the color in my website, so I am sure I am in the correct css file. But that code jus doesnt show my image (I have the right link too).

    Any ideas?

    Phill Moderator

    What is the url of your image?

    I know images are working because if I put the following in your template.css at line 10 using firebug I see what I would expect, the default logo tiled accross the background.

    body#bd {
    background: url("../images/logo.png") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
    color: #000000;


    0dass0a9d-asd Friend

    Hey Phil,

    Ok I have been working on my development server on my pc so I uploaded the site back to the site http://www.hevula.com/testsite

    And the border I am trying to use is at http://www.hevula.com/testsite/images/body-bg.png – this is the first one I have ever made, so if it doesnt look good I will be changing it.

    But yes can you try to get it to work? because its not working at all for me.

    Thanks allot!

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