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  • emmabryce Friend

    So I changed the template folder name and edited the templatedetails.xml then discovered and installed via admin but I am getting an error so what else do I need to check?

    Changing the language file did nothing. Thanks!:D


    go to /template and change the name of the template folder then go into that and change the name of the template in both the .xml’s and possibly in params.ini The go to /language/yourlanguagewouldgohere/ and look for the template name .ini, change that name to the exact same name as your new template. CASE MATTERS.

    While you are doing this you site will loose its template. You should do this on a “NON” default template. Once you’ve completed these steps go to extension manager -> “discover” have it “discover” Your template should then be in your template manager.
    set it to default and you should be back in business.

    You may or may not have to change a few lines in index.php depending on the age of the template and the programmers expertise.
    be sure too look carefully @ all files ( .ini and .xml and index.php ) for the words your changing.

    oh, this is all done from the “file” level of course not the gui.

    pavit Moderator

    Hi emmabryce

    try to look at this post probably could help


    let me know if you have solved

    Thanks !

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 13 years, 4 months ago.

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