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  • zamoooik Friend

    How do I include the Check-out and confirm purchase buttons on top of the item(s) to be purchased. They are currently below the item(s) on the checkout page.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I’m not sure where you need to move Check-out and confirm purchase buttons? It would be great if you can have an illustrated screenshot of what you are trying to achieve, It would be more helpful to understand the issue and give you specific answers.

    zamoooik Friend

    the two images show how the current position of the ‘checkout’ button is at the bottom of the page and also where I want to include it at the top of the page. Basically I want to have the checkout button in two places(top and bottom)

    1. checkout-top
    2. checkout-below
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You need to customize this VirtueMart component to achieve that, you should also post a thread in VM forum to get further help with best solution 🙂

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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