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  • martinoz1 Friend

    Hello, I’ve got a strange problem – I don’t know how, but suddenly during the night, right column has dropped down under the content.

    Any tips to handle it ? I’ve changed the layout to RTL and it looks good, however I would like to have it back working again.

    2. Also the letters from articles are out of the border, same with articles previews. How to fix it ?

    himangi Friend

    Mostly this can happen when you have some article with tables / images which have width more than the space available for main content. If you can give the site url, I can take a look and find the exact reason..

    martinoz1 Friend

    Sorry, I can’t give you the link because it’s the intranet. Most of the articles have no image, do I have to manually edit the everytime to fix them ?

    himangi Friend

    If you have given any specific width to image / tables then yes you will need to fix them if such problem occurs. But good way to avoid this is using smaller images and have tables with width in % .

    martinoz1 Friend

    Same with articles that have no images at all – these are also out of border, all of articles are out of content border.

    himangi Friend

    If you are using default css of the template, there should not be any such issue.. I am sorry, but without seeing the issue on site, I can not help much.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  himangi 13 years, 8 months ago.

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