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  • ntonline Friend

    Good morning, good afternoon and good evening,

    I am in the process of redeveloping my website and am currently working with the JA Newsticker Module. I have set up the JA Newsticker using an RSS feed provided by a professional association. The module works great, but the links to the articles redirect users away from my website. Therefore, I would like to enhance the JA Newsticker Module. Rather than redirecting people away from my site, I would like to combine the JA Newsticker Module with the JA Popup Module and have the article from the JA Newsticker Module appear in a popup. That way, when the user is done reading the article, they can close the popup and still be on my site.

    My question is, how do I combine the the JA Newsticker Module and the JA Popup Module so that the links from the JA Newsticker Module open in a popup?

    I’ve been working with Joomla for several years but this is the first time attempting to combine modules. Any help you can provide will be helpful.



    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Ntonline
    JA popup is system plugin, is not module. So in JA Newsticker module you only edit display item combine with ja popup format as below

    {japopup type="inline" content="inline1" width="500" height="400" }Inline{/japopup}
    Hope that can help you ! 🙂


    ntonline Friend


    Thanks for the info. I’m aware JA popup is a plugin. I don’t know why I called it a module. Anyway, if my original question is not possible, is there anyway to change the settings for the JA Popup plugin to open links in a seperate window or in a popup of some sort?

    Thanks. 🙂

    pranavpatil19 Friend

    need video tutorial,it difficult to understamd

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Guys
    For example:
    In JA newsticker module have display layout as (default.php file)
    [PHP]<div class=”ja-headlines-item <?php echo ‘jahl-‘.$animationType ;?>” style=”visibility:<?php echo ($index !=0) ?’hidden’:’visible’ ?>”>
    <a title=”<?php echo modJANewStickerHelper::trimString( trim(strip_tags($item->introtext) ), 300); ?>” <?php echo $aClass ;?> href=”<?php echo modJANewStickerHelper::getLink($item, $userRSS); ?>”><span><?php echo modJANewStickerHelper::trimString( $item->title, $titleMaxChars );?></span>

    you need change it to ( a option in ja popup type )
    [PHP]<div class=”ja-headlines-item <?php echo ‘jahl-‘.$animationType ;?>” style=”visibility:<?php echo ($index !=0) ?’hidden’:’visible’ ?>”>
    {japopup type=”ajax” content=”<?php echo modJANewStickerHelper::getLink($item, $userRSS); ?>” width=”500″ height=”400″}<span><?php echo modJANewStickerHelper::trimString( $item->title, $titleMaxChars );?></span>{/japopup}

    Note: please enable JA Popup plugin

    Hope it works out well.

    ntonline Friend


    This worked perfectly! 😀


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ntonline 12 years, 3 months ago.

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