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  • tarini81das Friend


    I am not able to use Community Builder Profile Pro profile Tabs( ) with Ja Methys template. When I try this with JA Seleni or JA Purity, it works fine, i can see the different tabs.

    I have attached the two screen shots showing how the tabs that show up in JA purity break down in JA Methys. I need to use JA methys for this, please suggest how the JS error can be resolved.

    It requires jquery.cookie.min.js to render the tabs. The code for this js file is:
    jQuery.cookie=function(name,value,options){if(typeof value!=’undefined’){options=options||{};if(value===null){value=”;options=$.extend({},options);options.expires=-1;}var expires=”;if(options.expires&&(typeof options.expires==’number’||options.expires.toUTCString)){var date;if(typeof options.expires==’number’){date=new Date();date.setTime(date.getTime()+(options.expires*24*60*60*1000));}else{date=options.expires;}expires=’; expires=’+date.toUTCString();}var path=options.path?’; path=’+(options.path):”;var domain=options.domain?’; domain=’+(options.domain):”;var’; secure’:”;document.cookie=[name,’=’,encodeURIComponent(value),expires,path,domain,secure].join(”);}else{var cookieValue=null;if(document.cookie&&document.cookie!=”){var cookies=document.cookie.split(‘;’);for(var i=0;i<cookies.length;i++){var cookie=jQuery.trim(cookies);if(cookie.substring(0,name.length+1)==(name+’=’)){cookieValue=decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length+1));break;}}}return cookieValue;}};

    1. jamethysissue
    n6rej Friend

    would you please fill in the site info fields so I can take a look @ your site… either that or elevate this to a ticket please.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  n6rej 13 years ago.

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