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  • altuna Friend

    if i put disable Development Mode, enable compress, and click to compile less, the process don’t stop… it keeps turning without stopping, and i get a broken site without css…

    Stork11 Friend

    Hello altuna,

    Please check if “templates/ja_brisk/css/” folder has write permission or not.


    dpchap015 Friend

    <em>@altuna 355050 wrote:</em><blockquote>if i put disable Development Mode, enable compress, and click to compile less, the process don’t stop… it keeps turning without stopping, and i get a broken site without css…</blockquote>
    @altuna : Did you add any CSS property to LESS and then you are compiling it ?

    dieudonne Friend

    Hello, we have the same problem : “compile less to css” never stop…!

    And yes we modifed the template.css (sorry now we make change in the custom.css).

    So what can we do to fix this ? Just replace the template.css from template package ?

    Thank in advance for any help.

    1. 2013-02-01_15h56_17
    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@dieudonne 358141 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello, we have the same problem : “compile less to css” never stop…!

    And yes we modifed the template.css (sorry now we make change in the custom.css).

    So what can we do to fix this ? Just replace the template.css from template package ?

    Thank in advance for any help.</blockquote>
    Hello dieudonne,

    Please check if “templates/ja_brisk/css/” folder has write permission or not.


    dieudonne Friend

    templates : 0755
    ja_bricks : 0755
    css : 0755.

    So I think it is ok.

    Update1 : now it is ok. I don’t know why.

    Update2 : Ah no, I’ll test it again : start 04/02/2012 @ 12h32 and it still runing. see my screenshot.
    How long does it take it? Here we are now about more than 10 minutes…!

    Very strange….

    Joomla 2.5 – JA-Brisk 1.0.1 – JA T3V3 1.0.3

    1. 2013-02-04_12h39_59
    Stork11 Friend

    Hello dieudonne,

    Because there are a lot of .less files, so it takes a lot of time to complete the process (compile .less files to .css files) .


    phong nam Friend

    Hi @altuna,

    You can try to Enable Development Mode and then compile LESS to CSS.



    dieudonne Friend


    for us, it is already with the development mode enabled.
    Compilation start at 11h36 and still working… it is now 11h58 and still running !!

    Do you have a other idea of this bug ?

    Thank in advance.

    1. 2013-02-06_11h40_31
    dieudonne Friend

    12h52 and still running …

    It’s very strange.

    digimax001 Friend

    Mines doing the same! Any solution yet???????

    dieudonne Friend

    I don’t know what is happenning, but this thing is strange.
    Can we have some help from the dev team ?

    We also open a ticket (2 weeks ago (5th february!)), but no answer.
    The ticket’s Owner is Wall Crusher.

    Thank in advance.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi dieudonne,

    I am sorry that I lost track of this thread.

    The Compile less don’t stop may from have some reasons below:

    1. Your server file permission does not allow create new file
    2. The LESS file have some syntax error or missing file

    The Compile progress should not last longer more than 5 minutes.
    The indicator is still waiting just because of Javascript error (the source of problem is from 2 reason above), it does not mean the compile progress has not stopped. You do not have to worry about the compile progress waste your server resource.

    Please try open pluginssystemt3adminjst3v3admin.js and replace the function (from line 43 to 5

    $('#t3-admin-tb-recompile').on('click', function(){
    var jrecompile = $(this);
    $.get(T3Admin.adminurl, {'t3action': 'lesscall'}, function(rsp){

    rsp = $.trim(rsp);
    var json = rsp;
    if(rsp.charAt(0) != '[' && rsp.charAt(0) != '{'){
    json = rsp.match(/{.*?}/);
    if(json && json[0]){
    json = json[0];

    if(json && typeof json == 'string'){
    json = $.parseJSON(json);

    if(json && (json.error || json.successful)){
    T3Admin.systemMessage(json.error || json.successful);
    return false;

    This will help you identify the LESS compile problem.

    You can also pm ftp/admin to me to check if it not working.


    digimax001 Friend

    Hi, Maybe be a silly question but what does Compile less do? When is it required?

    Stork11 Friend

    <em>@digimax001 360905 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, Maybe be a silly question but what does Compile less do? When is it required?</blockquote>

    First, you should research LESS here http://lesscss.org/ to know what LESS is.

    Compile LESS feature will compile .less files to .css files. It’ll increase your site performance.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

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